COE Awards Policy

P&P Approved, 2/18/20

Leadership Team Approved, 3/3/20

Community Partner Award

This is an award given to a member or group in our community, external to the COE, that has worked and partnered closely and fiercely with the College of Education to achieve goals in the field of education, service, and leadership.

Extraordinary Service Award

This award is given to a staff, faculty or emeriti faculty member who has gone above and beyond to serve the College, their colleagues, and their community and inspire others.

Community Service Award

This is an award given to a faculty or staff member, or current student who exemplifies the COE’s mission by engaging in visionary thinking and transformative practices within schools and communities.

Outstanding Alumni Award

This award is given to a COE alumni who has shown extraordinary service, community engagement, scholarly contribution, and/or leadership in their field.

Student Academic Achievement Awards 

Student Academic Achievement Awards are given to students who have excelled during their time at PSU. 

Academic Achievement Awards are given to students who have excelled in their academic studies. The basis for this award is academic work done directly at PSU in the student's current level (e.g., Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral).


Once nominations have been received, the selection committee will select one recipient at each applicable academic level (Undergraduate, Master's, Doctoral). 

Student Eligibility: 

To be eligible for consideration a student must:

Be fully admitted in a degree program at the Undergraduate, Masters, or Doctoral level

Have attended PSU for at least three academic quarters

Be currently enrolled at PSU or have graduated Fall 2020 or later

Have a PSU GPA of 3.0 or higher for the level being considered (Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral)

In all cases, accomplishments from other institutions or while a student was at a different academic level will not be considered. 

These awards are for all students, not just students who are graduating.

Light the Future Award*

This award goes to those individuals who are revolutionizing our college through their investments, and who demonstrate leadership and dedication as they make lasting impacts in Oregon’s educational ecosystem.

Award Selection Policy: The Associate Dean shares a request for award nominations annually by the end of spring quarter with the COE community. The award nomination process includes an online application (e.g., Google form) to include: name of nominator(s) and nominee, description of qualifications of the nominee, and supplemental letters of support (optional). 

*The Light the Future Award will be solely administered by the PSU Foundation.

The Leadership Team is responsible for reviewing the nominations and making the award determination. The awards are given at the annual fall meeting of the COE.
