Work Assignment Guidelines for NTTF

Updated 07/21/2010 

Update to align with contract 08/06/2014

Update to align with contract 07/16/2024

As described in the PSU-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement (Article 18), Non-tenure track faculty are faculty members who are not on tenure-track appointments, but whose appointments are at least .50 FTE annualized. These appointments are primarily for instruction and research as described in the position descriptions. Non-tenure track instructional faculty will be employed on a continuous basis after completion of a probationary period, unless a fixed-term appointment is appropriate (see Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 18).

For non-tenure track instructional appointments, 1.0 FTE will include no more than 36 course credits of assigned teaching per academic year. The complete workload can include teaching, supervision, committee membership, advising and/or cohort leadership, as specified on their contract. According to the Collective Bargaining Agreement, assigned university/community/professional service and scholarly work shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of an instructional non-tenure track faculty member's workload without a reduction in instructional load

For non-tenure track research faculty appointments, assigned 

university/community/professional service and instructional work shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of their workload without a reduction in the research load. 

Non-tenure track faculty in the College of Education are also expected to attend COE, department, and program meetings; serve on department and program committees; and participate in supporting the College of Education’s diversity agenda.