Computer Purchase/Replacement Guidelines

Revised 1/9/2014
Review & Update in Progress - 03/2024


Faculty and staff need computers that will run the latest versions of software that the COE and PSU use for communications and data management.  Since software continues to be updated at a rapid rate it is essential that new computers have enough initial capacity to handle anticipated updates, and be upgradeable in the future.   

Faculty computers

Since most of our faculty work both in the field as well as their offices, new faculty computers will be laptops.  This allows faculty to use their computers for classroom and conference presentations, data collection in the field, and grading and routine office work no matter where they are.  For accessibility reasons we also recommend that faculty have an external mouse, and if desired an external monitor and keyboard to use while in their offices. 

The following are reasonable expectations for instructional faculty computer needs.  

Upon hire, each .50+ FTE COE faculty member will receive: 

Software (provided by OIT for all faculty)

Staff computers:

Since most of our staff work only in their offices, we recommend that all new staff computers be desktop models following the same OIT recommendations noted above, with as much RAM as possible to assure access to multiple applications at the same time.