Program and Policy Committee

Revised 11/18/2019

General Purpose

To serve as a policy review and recommending body for policies, guidelines, and all programmatic matters pertaining to the College of Education (COE), unless expressly addressed by other COE Standing Committees and Task Forces.

Specific Responsibilities


Voting members will include seven faculty members (i.e: 1 SPED, 3 C&I, 2 ELP, 1 COUN), elected or appointed proportionately from departments, and one representative from the Recruitment and Admissions Services team, serving a two-year term. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will serve in an ex-officio capacity.

Revised 5/18/2010 as approved by COE facultyMinor updates July 24, 2014Revised 11/18/2019 by P&P CommitteeApproved by COE Leadership team 11/19/2019