Education and



Education and Training is for anyone who would someday like to work with children. This includes students who might possibly want to be teachers, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, counselors. Our program is not just about Pre_K but students do interact with our Junior Academy students. Junior Academy is a tuition based Pre-K program available to PISD employees.

Stephanie Carnes

Junior Academy 3 year old class

Human Growth and Development

Jennifer Martin

Junior Academy 4 year old class

Principles of Education and Training

Danette Thomas

Instructional Practices

Practicum in Education and Training

T.A.F.E. teacher leader

Principles of Education & Training


  • Exploring Careers: Education

  • Formulas for Career Success: Career Testing and Investigation

  • Formulas for Career Success: Portfolio Development

  • Teaching/Training

  • Education Philisophies & Practices

  • Appropriate Teaching strategies

  • Skills for Real World Survival

Human Growth and Development


  • Human Developmental Theories

  • Prenatal Care

  • Fetal & Infant Development

  • Toddler& Preschool Development

  • School Age & Adolescent Development

  • Care & Protection of Children

  • Family Health

Instructional Practices

(Juniors: 2 hour block)

  • Teaching & Training Career Preparation

  • Developing & Implementing Effective Instruction

  • Education Assessments

  • Creating a Successful Learning Environment

  • Learning Styles

  • Understanding Special Education

  • Weekly Field Site Experience at local schools

Practicum in Education & Training

(Seniors: 3 hour block)

Seniors spend three hours each day serving as INSTRUCTIONAL AIDS in our Junior Academy Pre-K program

Practicum Responsibilities:

  • Assist teachers with daily classroom routines

  • Develop educational activities for Junior Academy students

  • Work one-on-one with students in Junior Academy

  • Lead small group activities with students

  • Develop learning stations for students


Senior Education & Training students have the opportunity to take the National ParaPro exam. Upon passing the exam, students will be certified as paraprofessionals/instructional aids. This certification is REQUIRED by Pasadena Independent School District in order to be eligible for employment. What does that mean? It means that you must have this certification before you can apply to work in PISD. This exam covers basic skills in Reading/English, Math and Writing.

Where are they now?

Take a moment to listen to three CTHS Education & Training graduates talk about their experiences at CTHS, how it helped them prepare for their current careers and why they would CHOOSE CTHS all over again!


Texas Association of Future Educators

The Texas Association of Future Educators or TAFE (pronounced "taffy") is a co-curricular statewide student organization created to allow young men and women an opportunity to explore the teaching profession. ... To explore their interests and abilities in relation to the various fields of teaching.


Educators Rising is transforming how America develops aspiring teachers. Starting with high school students, we provide passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, sustain their interest in the profession, and help them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators.


"Education & Training had a big impact on my future. CTHS was able to do things for me that my traditional high school couldn't. I was able to gain real experience with children and I graduated with a paraprofessional certificate. If I had not been in Education and Training, I would not have been able to obtain the job I have now and start paving my path to success."

Nathalie Barbren class of 2020

" When I first started in the Education & Training program I was unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. As I started going more in depth in education, I realized that I wanted to work with kids. I am happy I was able to make it into this program because I was abbe to get experience and help me decided what I wanted to do with my life. Education & Training changed my future for the better!" Yessenia Garcia class of 2020

"Education & Training has had a big impact on my future by giving me real life experience working with young kids and giving me opportunities that a different high school couldn't . It also helped me prepare for the outside world and helped me prepare for the career that I wanted. It gave me reassurance that I DID want this career, to be a TEACHER.

Angely Flores class of 2020

"The CTHS Education & Training experience impacted my life by giving me unforgettable experiences that have helped me professionally and personally. This program allowed me to gain a paraprofessional certification which has allowed me to work as a paraprofessional within the Education & Training pathway. With this program I gained close relationships with my teachers who are now my coworkers. This program helped me grow, succeed and achieve what I have today." Whitney Salazar class of 2016

"CTHS/Education & Training had the biggest impact in my life by opening doors that I once thought were closed. After thinking I wasn't going to go anywhere in life, CTHS gave me hope again. It taught me that if I want to be something different, I must DO something different. It proved to me that with hared work and dedication ,I was able to achieve anything I set my mind to. By obtaining my paraprofessional certification through the Education & Training program, I am not able to give back to the amazing school. I am not ablle to encourage our teens to always do the best they can and open the doors they might have thought had closed. CTHS Education & Training helped me start my journey of becoming the very best version of Dulce."

Dulce Jimenez class of 2016