Welcome to Creative Connection!

CTLEE's Resource for Professional Development and Learning Opportunities at Paradise Valley Community College





Keep watch for more information to come!


The Peanut Butter to My Jelly:  A  Work Friend is Everything

By Maureen Hermann, BSN, MSN, DNP,

and CJ Wright-Boon, RN, MSN  |  Faculty Focus

August 11, 2023

Having an individual you can trust within your field of work creates an environment of success and pride. Trust in the workplace is essential and is a mutual obligation between coworkers (Hungerford & Cleary, 2022).  The ability to be vulnerable and have your person there to provide feedback on your work and ideas can be a great benefit to all.   Read More . . .




Let us know what kind of training you need in this new Training Preferences Survey.

See more info in our new

Training Spotlight section below.



Save The Dates for your upcoming,

Fall Semester learning events.

And please fill out the

Training Preferences Survey

Scroll down for more info.



Call for Proposals!

If you have a topic to you'd like to present to your fellow faculty and staff in a 30-minute virtual session from 12 - 12:30pm via Google Meet, please fill out this short form HERE and we'll get back to you asap about scheduling that!



Got something you want to share and showcase in this newsletter?  We have an app for that!

Click HERE to submit your story!


Expedition Accreditation 2024 is

Off and Running!

Thank you to all that came out to the HLC Accreditation Learning Week kick-off session! Our journey to re-accreditation is in full swing. Paradise Valley Community College will have a reaffirmation visit from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) on October 14th-15th, 2024. The preparation for this event is critical during the Fall 23 and Spring 24 semesters.

Coming Soon: On the second Wednesday of each month, PVCC will host Accreditation days. Everyone at PVCC will be encouraged to wear their "Expedition Accreditation" tee shirt. The first Wednesday on the calendar is September 13th. Details on how to get engaged will be provided in a campus wide email and in the Daily Growl. Stay tuned.

If you have not picked up your Expedition Accreditation tee shirt, you can swing by Office J103 and pick one up. We are now down to limited sizes but have submitted a new order.

If you have any questions around the college accreditation process and timeline, please email directly to the Accreditation Steering Team (AST) email: AST@paradisevalley.edu

Assessment Lab

Need help with designing your assessment project?

Identifying strategies for improving learning?

Reporting results or navigating the GEA Online Tool?

All PVCC employees are welcome to join our open assessment labs for one-on-one coaching and Q&A.



Felicia Ramirez, Leonard Macias, or your Division ALT Rep

See our Assessment Website for more info.



Training Preferences Survey  . . .

We value your input!

For All PV Employees

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Employee Engagement (CTLEE) is committed to providing relevant and impactful professional development opportunities for our faculty and staff.  Your insights will help us tailor our training offerings to better meet your needs.  Kindly take a few moments to complete the Training Preferences Survey.

Need Canvas or Tech Help?

Set up an appointment with Sonya Brieske, our Training and Development Consultant, by emailing ctlee@paradisevalley.edu.

Canvas Guides

  Save The Dates! 

We have TWO events coming up this semester for YOU!

Save these dates and times:

October 21, 2023  •  10am - 12:30pm

December 8, 2023  •  10am - 12:30pm

Lunch and 2.5 Hour Stipend pay will be included!

Keep watch here, your email, and the Daily Growl for more information!

For Instructors

To Share With Your Students

Adjuncts, please fill out this Training Preferences Survey to help us identify what our training needs are.  Thank you!



A Match Made in Paradise!

On March 22, 2024, Paradise Valley Community College will host the NISOD regional workshop, Best Practices for Design, Delivery, and Student Success When Teaching Online Courses. This workshop will be presented by Elizabeth Mosser Knight, the Associate Dean of Academic Operations and Deputy Title IX Coordinator at Harford Community College. Dr. Mosser Knight will explore various best practices and examplars related to course activities, assignments, and assessments for the online environment to adopt in their classrooms.

Participants will be engaged in a variety of ways, including large- and small-group conversations; reviewing exemplar or model course activities, assignments, and assessments; and hands-on opportunities to jumpstart developing technology and pedagogical skills for building engaging online courses. More specifically, this workshop provides a facilitated discussion setting for participants to share best practices for course design and delivery.

Come join the action and discussion in Paradise.

For more information and to sign in and register, click here or click on or scan the NISOD graphic.

This course is a resource of important Canvas information and how-tos, and also is a great resource for those already using Canvas.

Click here to register.

MCCCD offers an abundant amount of professional development opportunities to enhance your work life.  We have gathered here many resources from our district and beyond and put them in one central location for your convenience.

Click here to register.

This course begins with an overview of online teaching and learning, then addresses many important topics for successfully teaching online, such as the Quality Matters rubric, learning objectives and alignment with learning activities, instructing your online course, best practices in online teaching, assessment, and accessibility.

Click here to register.


The New Media Lab in E142 is a place where we (CTLEE) will offer free sessions and support to faculty, staff, and students on media-related topics.  Media Lab schedule will be 

Tuesdays through Thursdays from 12:00 - 2:00 in E 142 from September 6th to December 1st.  The lab will be closed the week of Thanksgiving.

Click here for more details.



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Ep15- Podcasting

Four Different Types of Podcasts

When podcasting first made its way to the iPod and phones many years ago, there was a great fear that podcasting could in fact be the death of radio. As we know that is far from the truth, but it does offer many ways of offering spoken word to reach all types of listeners.

A podcast can be in the form of a storytelling experience, an interview, crime dramas, or a casual conversation between two sports fans discussing the weekend’s football games to entertain you on a long commute.

We’ll discuss that today, we will talk about the 4 basic types of podcasts that tend to work well with listeners and these formats are now pretty much standard in the podcast industry. Podcasting continues to grow rapidly. Since 2016, the number of listeners has doubled. We believe that has something to do with more people owning smartphones, the creation of higher quality content worth listening to, as well as the wave of changes that swept around the world when COVID 19 sent people into isolation looking for digital content.

Have an Idea?  Are you Interested in Showcasing a Project or Program?

Consider doing a PUMA Playback video or share your instructional project with the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Employee Engagement.  You can fill out our new Feature Story Submission Form or contact us to learn more about how we can collaborate with you to make this a seamless and fun process.

Click the images to view and hear past episodes!