Reports to Parents

Because PowerSchool is the primary source for student grades and teacher comments, parents are encouraged to monitor PowerSchool regularly to view student progress. Parents are also encouraged to contact teachers through email and by phone.

A ‘Teacher Comments’ box is available for viewing on PowerSchool and is updated by the teacher at the midpoint and the end of each quarter. INTERIM COMMENTS (progress reports) are available shortly following the midpoint of each quarter. END OF QUARTER COMMENTS are available along with QUARTER GRADES shortly after the end of each quarter. Dates for both are posted on the school calendar. Teachers’ interim comments on student progress may include three primary terms: ‘commendable’, ‘unsatisfactory’, or ‘failing’. More detailed comments may also be included. In the case where student progress declines after the time of INTERIM COMMENTS, an INTERIM REPORT may be mailed home.

Parents are encouraged to follow up with teachers and counselors if they read a comment or report indicating an academic struggle.