Rescheduled Club Day at NRHS a Huge Hit: Hear from Club Representatives

By Staff

Friday, October 6 was Club Day at NRHS. Dozens of clubs set up tables around the rotunda and advertised to get more members. All freshmen came with their history classes and had the opportunity to learn more about different student organizations. Here is some information shared by several club representatives:

“Junior State of America is a debate and politics club. We are one of many JSA clubs across the nation. We debate serious topics, like abortion and Black Lives Matter, and fun subjects, like ‘Would you rather be a bear or a skunk?’ We also go to conventions; some are based in New York and others are in nearby states.  JSA has a really fun vibe full of welcoming people.” - Katalina Pimienta, President of JSA

Meetings: Thursdays in Room 327

“We all live on the same earth and need to preserve it for future generations. At Green Club, you can work to protect and preserve our environment while having fun.” - Ava Dee, Co-President of Green Club

Meetings: Tuesdays in Room 2206

“Spirit Club is a way for everyone of all grades to come together and support their school in a social way.” - Artina Berisha, Vice President of Spirit Club

Meetings: Wednesdays in Room 249

“Hispanic Culture Club is a welcoming place where you can embrace your culture and learn about other cultures.  After a stressful day at school, Hispanic Culture Club is a great place to take a breather and have some fun!” - Guadalupe Zepeda, President of Hispanic Culture Club

Meetings: Wednesdays in Room 207

“The bees are dying and so are we. Please join the Beekeeping Club!” - Owen Benedict

Meetings: Tuesdays in Room 238

“At Clay Club, we make ornaments, holiday creations, jewelry, and other art. We’re excited for another year!” - Mirian Martinez

Meetings: Mondays in Room 433

“Get Lit Poetry Club is a lot of fun. We have a few events where we do spoken word poetry and read it aloud for audiences. Other than that, it’s a nice environment to write poetry and share it with others who will be understanding.” - Zoe Diaz

Meetings: Thursdays in Room 136

“The National Art Honor Society is the only honor society in which acceptance is not reliant off of the grades a student has, but rather their passion for the arts. Anyone of any skill or academic level can join. We offer many community building activities including, mural painting, library volunteering, set design and charity cards.” - Quentin Bidwell, President of National Art Honor Society

Meetings: Thursdays in Room 432