CommuniTeen Tutors Continues in Its Fourth Year

By Manahel Shuja

CommuniTeen Tutors, previously known as Quaranteen Tutors, is a student-led tutoring organization at New Rochelle High School. In this club, high school honor students are paired with local students in grades K-9 for tutoring in all core subjects. This tutoring service is free for all students, and tutors receive community service hours for their efforts. 

The founder of CommuniTeen/Quaranteen Tutors, Jessica Shapiro (Class of 2022), states that, “I founded Quaranteen Tutors with the intent to help work on the learning gap created through virtual learning. It was also an opportunity for members of the community to give back through tutoring. It has now become CommuniTeen Tutors, and while we are no longer in COVID-19 times, this is still a great service for students who might otherwise be unable to receive tutoring.”

 In addition to helping local students, CommuniTeen Tutors has also positively impacted many of the tutors. 11th grade Representative, Maribel Rumph, says, “Over the past two years that I have been a part of CommuniTeen Tutors, I have gained essential organization and leadership skills while simultaneously helping out my community. As the 11th Grade Representative I hope to encourage more of our student body to join CommuniTeenTutors and seek the wonderful benefits of the program.” 

Membership VP of the club, June Roe, Communiteen Tutors has possibly been the highlight of her high school career. She comments, “I have been tutoring with the same family for the past three years, and seeing the children grow and learn is a feeling that I find incomparable. These children have helped me grow, learn and laugh with every hour tutoring session. Now that I'm going into college, I'll never forget the lessons being a tutor has gifted me. I'm really going to miss sitting down every Tuesday and Thursday with my student, listening to him improve with every session. I love tutoring, and deciding to fill out a "New Tutor Form" was the absolute best decision sophomore year me could make.” 

Annie Gombiner, the current President, has been in the organization since freshman year and is glad she joined the club. “I’ve been tutoring the same student for the past four years, and it has been amazing to watch him grow academically. He is so talented; I know he has a really bright future,” said Annie. “Now as president, I’m happy that I can facilitate tutoring relationships for other students!” 

CommuniTeen Tutors continues to grow; there are over thirty tutors right now, and from September to December this year, the tutors logged a combined 180 hours of service. Jessica Shapiro states that she is “proud of everyone who has helped grow the organization and to all of those currently working on keeping the legacy alive!” With the growth of this organization and students who need tutoring, more tutors are needed. CommuniTeen tutors is open to new tutors and tutees and can sign up on the website