Piano Tips from Mr. Jutt

By Isabella Lopez

Photo by Isabella Lopez

The New Rochelle High School Arts Department offers piano courses for students of various levels. David Jutt, a piano teacher at NRHS, suggests five tips to improve in piano.

Mr. Jutt explained that if you do not practice everyday for the same amount of time, you will lose your skills. 

When you practice for the same time everyday, you will see a significant amount of improvement and become determined to get better.

Having a good relationship with your teacher will make learning more enjoyable and easier. It is also important that your teacher understands your learning style.

Jutt says that once you learn these two things, learning the rest will be pretty easy. You have to learn the basics first to be great.

Learning these will help you learn everything else.

All of these steps will put you on a great track to start becoming a serious piano player. Remember that practice makes perfect and that there are wonderful teachers that want to help you pursue your dreams at New Rochelle High School.

Many of the students here at New Rochelle High School really enjoy taking piano. Emma Cancel, a freshman, says, “I was very lucky to have had the opportunity to take piano here. I really liked it and want to pursue it.” Others agree that they love learning new songs and getting to play in front of the teacher.