New Rochelle High School Chorale Goes To Princeton University 

By Alanna Contreras

On the 8th of December 2023, the New Rochelle High School Chorale had the honor of being invited to showcase their musical talents at the Princeton 2023 Reading and Carols event. The choir members got to see Princeton's beautiful surroundings while they were there, taking strolls and stopping at notable locations to purchase Princeton-only items. The choir—which included altos and sopranos—performed B.E. Boykin's "O Magnum Mysterium" at the Princeton University Chapel.

Students who attended the events expressed their thoughts about it.

“I had a lot of fun on the trip; it was a good experience. It was nice seeing all the people who came to watch the performance. The whole campus and chapel were very beautiful.”  - Cassandra Alverez (10th grade) 

“My Princeton experience was amazing; Mrs. Lagaska made the whole experience feel like a family trip because that’s what PAVE/choir is. It was nerve racking to perform for 2,000 people, but it was so worth it.” - Kalea Mejia (10th grade)

“It was a good experience; they were super friendly, and everyone had a great time singing and hanging out.” - Gabbie Rizzo (10th grade) 

Princeton University Chapel

Photo by Gabbie Rizzo