Humans of New Ro: Ms. Lynn

By Annie Gombiner

“My biggest passion in life besides my family is theater. I’ve been a theater geek since I was a kid. My father came from Europe, so there was a lot of culture in our house. We would often visit museums and go to the theater. Since I was a little kid, I have danced and I always told people that I wanted to be a Rockette. While I didn’t become a Rockette (partly because of the height requirement), I was able to channel my love for the arts into teaching at New Rochelle High School. While teaching dance classes here, I helped start the PAVE Dance program and got involved with choreographing shows for the Theaterworks program. Theaterworks quickly became an important part of my life. I really care about the program because it offers a home for all students. The other day, I told my students that the theater kids really never judge anybody. They don’t care who you are, where you’re from or how you feel about things. Of course not everyone is a performer, but there is a role for anyone who wants to be involved, from backstage work, to set building, to ushering. The arts expose people to new worlds, so I encourage people to take themselves and their kids to local productions. If I could, I would just sit and watch New Rochelle performances all day long. We have so many talented kids and the school district has poured a lot of resources into the arts. I’ve seen such an amazing improvement in the New Rochelle arts since I started teaching here, and I think that our programs really set us apart from other schools.” - Ms. Lynn