En Plein Air At New Rochelle High School

By Alanna Contreras

Photo by Ms. Brock

Photo by Ms. Brock

En Plein Air is a French expression meaning "in the open air." Originally pioneered by John Constable in Britain in 1813, it is the practice of painting outdoors with the subject in full view. Plein air artists capture the spirit and essence of a landscape or subject by incorporating natural light, color, and movement into their works. This approach allows for a direct connection with the environment, fostering a deeper appreciation and representation of nature's beauty.

Every year at New Rochelle High School, all the PAVE art and AP art teachers come together with their students for a day dedicated to En Plein Air. This annual event celebrates the tradition of outdoor painting and provides students with a unique opportunity to engage with their surroundings creatively. 

This year, En Plein Air was held on May 29, 2024. On this sunny day, every art student gathered around the beautiful lake on campus, easels in hand, ready to capture the vibrant scenery. The air was filled with the sounds of nature, the lively chatter of students discussing their compositions, and music. Each student found their own spot, whether it was by the water's edge, or under the shade of a tree, and began to paint what they saw.

Ms. Brock, an art teacher who helped organize the day, said, “I always try to bring my classes outside even during a period to use our beautiful campus to teach the aspects of LANDSCAPE. Mr. Seaboldt, Ms McCaul, and I have been doing En Plein Air for over 25 years. We have never repeated an assignment and vary the media every 4 years, so students who have the chance to experience it 4 times always have a new experience. Many times we include guest artists as we did this year with Brooklyn painter Klay-James Enos. It is important because it gives the students a real-world experience of painting from OBSERVATION for a 6 hour period. It is memorable because the students really get a chance to SLOW DOWN and focus on their artwork for an extended period of time. They get to share the day with their friends and also have the responsibility to manage their time to complete the assignment in 6 hours. It is a wonderful thing to see over 100 students all enjoying the day, being creative, and enjoying this extra special campus that we have at NRHS. Many alumni come back and visit on this day and even join us in painting - we had 6 this year. Students always send me pictures of themselves working "en plein air" from their college campuses, on vacation, and in their backyards. It is an experience that many continue doing.”

Another art teacher Mr. Seabolt said, “As the arts indeed speak a universal language, here at NRHS En Plein Air it is understood as being full of ‘teachable moments’ for so many more than just the practitioners. En Plein Air is for everyone.”

Some students felt a sense of calm and relaxation as they painted, finding the outdoor setting conducive to a meditative state. The sounds of nature and the gentle breeze helped them focus, making the painting process more immersive and enjoyable.

Jenny Kirby, a 9th grader, said, “This artwork shows how much I've improved as an artist this year. It shows growth in painting lights and darks and the shadows on the ground. I think this painting is so special because it was such a fun experience and the painting process was so carefree and easy. This painting showed me how freeing art should be and I'm excited to share that new knowledge with everyone else through this experience.”

Tasnia Tahir, a 10th grader, also added, “It was very nice to sit by the water and paint; it was a very memorable experience getting to hang out with my friends and be outside.”

Nels Aurelien a 10th grader said, “What made En Plein Air so great was the ability to be somewhere out in the open. Usually, the amount of time I have to paint when doing assignments is pretty limited. Getting to work on the same piece of art for multiple hours is really nice because you're surrounded by your friends and you feel more refreshed because it feels much less like work.”

En Plein Air at New Rochelle High School is more than just painting outside; it is about the sense of community, creativity, and a connection with art and nature.