Teens and the Covid Vaccine

For the past year, Covid-19 has taken many lives and disrupted normal life across the globe. 

Now, however, vaccines are available to the general public and many people have received their shots. There are three vaccines available in the United States now: Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Johnson & Johnson.  

The CDC does not recommend one vaccine brand over another and guarantees that all authorized vaccines are “safe, effective, and will reduce the risk of severe illness.”

According to the CDC website, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is available for people 18 and older. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have recently been cleared for people 12 years and older. 

What does this mean? 

More and more teenagers have been getting the vaccine and to stay safe. Many retail pharmacies like CVS are offering each vaccine and it’s easy to schedule an appointment online or to walk in. As more people get vaccinated, it’s a step closer to bringing our world back to normal. 

The Vaccination Experience

Getting the vaccine can be a different experience for everyone. Some may feel side effects and others may not. Some teenagers reported a smooth experience with mild side effects, such as fatigue and soreness in the arm: “After each dose, I felt some soreness in my vaccine arm but I did not experience any other serious side effects, even after the second dose.” Others felt flu-like symptoms after their second dose: “My arm was even sorer and I felt pretty sick with chills and body aches for about 24 hours, but then I felt back to normal.” 

However, most people feel better after about 24 to 36 hours after their second vaccine. The vaccination experience is different for everyone, but side effects should not prevent anyone from taking the vaccine. Many people say that a day or two of vaccine side effects is better than a whole week of Coronavirus symptoms. One teen shared, “Even though there are side effects, I think it’s a small price to pay to fight against this virus.”

Why should you get the vaccine? 

There are many reasons why a person should get the Covid vaccine. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are proven to be 95% effective in keeping a person safe from illness. Now that vaccines are available to the general public, our world can feel a little normal again. One teenager expressed, “The quicker that people get the vaccine, the quicker we can get back to a semi-normal lifestyle. If teens get the vaccine, they can go back to doing activities they missed out on during the pandemic and resume their lives.”

By getting the vaccine, you are protecting yourself, your family, and all those around you. 

For more information about vaccines, please visit the CDC website!