Who is Joseph Zimmermann?

Joseph Zimmermann, better known as Mr. Zimmermann to his students, is a guidance counselor for House 2 at New Rochelle High School.  This past month I had the privilege to sit down with him and learn a little bit more about who he really is.  Here is what I learned:

Connor Fieldale: Why did you want to become a counselor?

Mr. Zimmermann: Well, funny enough, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life when I was going to college. I thought at first that I would go into business but started out as an undecided major. I was trying to decide what to do with my life and it was anxiety producing.  I was always interested in psychology so I began there and took some classes which I enjoyed. I decided on a Psychology major and then realized I wanted to be a school counselor. I got a Bachelor Degree and went on to get my Masters. I also took an education minor at Binghamton and enjoyed it.  I thought if I could help people get on the right track regarding their life choices it would make me feel that I had chosen the right career path. So, that’s why I wanted to become a counselor. 

CF:  What would you say is the most rewarding part of your job? 

Mr. Zimmermann: I think the day-to-day interaction with students, which is not as often now with Covid. Students popping by sometimes just to talk. I enjoy the relationships I have with students. It is great when things go well in a student’s life, for instance, they get into this great college or they're doing well in their classes. I love seeing my students' achievements.  I think that is the most rewarding part of my work.  

CF: Did you go to New Rochelle High School? If not, what drew you to work in New Rochelle High School?

Mr. Zimmermann: I did not go to New Rochelle High School but I did grow up in Westchester.  I went to a much smaller school than New Rochelle. I think my graduating class had about one hundred and you will have somewhere around eight hundred. What drew me to New Rochelle was a little bit of happenstance. I got set up with an internship here in my second year of graduate school. I interned in House 4 with all the counselors over there and I just really enjoyed it.

CF: What do you like about New Rochelle High School?

Mr. Zimmermann: There's a couple of things that I like about New Rochelle. I like the diversity here. I like that you get people from all different walks of life, whether it's in terms of culture or socioeconomically. Also, I like the business part of it.  Everyday I get to go to a job I love.  All parts of the day are important to me, from the moment I arrive  until the end of the day. I’m constantly busy.  There is always a student to see or something to do and it makes the day fly by.  This is a job that I really enjoy but it is also work and I love it.

CF: What accomplishments are you most proud of, like working in New Rochelle High School or just in general?

Mr. Zimmermann: I would say making it through that first year. I put a lot of extra time in at the school. There is so much that I want to get done each day.  I'm most proud of the relationships that you develop. Helping my seniors along their journey and life after High School. Like, just working day to day with the students is the most enjoyable and I guess one thing I'm most proud of too. 

CF: What are your passions? 

Mr. Zimmermann: That's a good question.  I'm going to go outside of school first because I don't think you get into this line of work if you're not passionate about students and helping people achieve their dreams. But outside of school, I'm very, very, very much into basketball.  I would say that I grew up with it and like playing as well as watching.  So, like, that's my number one activity that I enjoy outside of school. 

CF:  Who is your favorite Basketball team?

Mr. Zimmermann: So, for the NBA, it's the Knicks and they're doing great this year. I'm honestly so surprised. Knicks fans, including myself, are very overzealous. Like if things go right we, like, jump on full force. So, I've been very hesitant to acknowledge the success this year, but  they're doing great.  As for college teams, I'm a big fan of the North Carolina Tar Heels.

CF: Who had the greatest influence on you? 

Mr. Zimmermann: I'll give you two. In terms of school counseling, I would say Kevin Austin, Mr. Austin, in House 4. He taught me so much, just like the ins and outs of the job and how to be a professional at school counseling. And for just life, I would say my Dad. I'm very close with him. He's a hard worker and I think that's something he instilled in me.  To approach every day as a new opportunity. Do you know what I mean? Like, yesterday may not have worked out, but today could be your day. You never know.

CF: What would be one word that describes you? 

Mr. Zimmermann: I would say outgoing. I enjoy people and socializing. I like to have conversations. So I think that is why this is a good job for me because I like talking to my students and I like talking to coworkers and getting to know people. So, you know, I think that's a good word to describe me.

CF: Throughout this past year, what has been your greatest challenge?

Mr. Zimmermann: That’s a really good question. I would say… staying connected with my younger students. I have stayed connected with a majority of the seniors and juniors. But, it has been hard to stay in touch with the younger ones. Since, for some of the freshmen, I have not even met them in person yet only over Zoom. Since Covid we’ve lost that personal touch of just sitting down and talking with others. Electronics can be a barrier to personal connections with others but during Covid we have been able to see faces and interact so that has been a positive effect. 

CF: What would you say to kids who are going through challenges right now? Academically or emotionally? 

Mr. Zimmermann: First, emotionally. It is okay to need help. Mental help is the same thing as physical health for me. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. There are always people who will be there. Second, academically. Don’t worry about one bad test or quiz. It is not going to make or break you. There are always multiple paths to the same outcome. For example, you may do poorly junior year. You may end up at community college and that is okay. Community college can be a reset. Time to help you find yourself. Also, academically. It is okay if you don’t graduate on time but with all the opportunities you will be given it is most important that you do graduate. Ultimately, keep your goals in place and use that to help you succeed.