Quality Soccer Providers - CSA
Community Soccer Specialists!
Our primary goal is to bring F.A.I.R. soccer to our community children:
Friendly, Affordable, Inclusive, Responsible


It's Hot! Stay moist!

Environment Canada confirms a heat wave is descending on parts of Ontario this week and is expected to bring dangerously high temperatures. Starting Monday, the weather agency has issued a heat warning for an area that spans London to Ottawa, stretching up to Sault Ste. Marie and as far north as Fort Albany.

The agency notes that the health risks associated with heat illness are greater for older adults, infants, young children, and other vulnerable groups. It warns that hot, humid air can also worsen air quality.

During very hot weather when games are not cancelled, Match Officials will confer with Coaches and Team Officials before the start of the game in regards to providing water-breaks and consider shortening the time played if both coaches agree to do so.

During games, Match Officials will incorporate a water break during injury stoppages, penalty kicks, goal kicks, and other appropriate stoppages, etc., to address the concern of ensuring the health and safety of our athletes, staff and our match officials.

For further information, please review the Reducing Risk Guidelines HERE.

Ontario Soccer


be sure to add the following:

to your list of accepted senders, so you know who goes where and when!

Spam filters have decreased our ability to reach you.
If you aren't getting email from us, please consider the above! 

Week 1 for U8-U14 starts...

the week of May 13th,...with TWO practices!🥳 This allows all teams to meet and get a few nights of dribbling in before the game schedule begins - and for any straggling uniforms to come in! 

See you soon!

Active Start (U4-U7) starts May 25th
PLAY (U3) starts June 1st

We have Space...

Register via the bright green bar above!

Space in all divisions unless noted:
U3 PLAY West -  FULL
U3 PLAY East -  FULL
U4 Co-ed East
U4 Co-ed West
U5Co-ed East
U5 Co-ed West
U6 Females
U6 Male
U7 Females
U7 Male - FULL
U8 Female
U8 Male - Limited space
U9 Female
U9 Male - FULL
U10 Female - FULL
U10 Male -  FULL
U12 Female
U12 Male
U14 Female - Players Wanted!
U14 Male - FULL
High Schooler Female - Players Wanted!
High Schooler Male - Players wanted!

Sponsors Still Needed!🥳

What do colors symbolize and how to use them consciously?ROYGBIV!

1 more week to team submit Sponsorships
Show us your colours!

The symbolism of colors is one of the most exciting aspects of visual communication.
Text and illustration by Joanna Wróblewska

Red ❤️
Red is the color of fire and blood. It is associated with excitement, energy, passion. It can symbolize desire, power, speed and strength. On the other hand, it stands for aggression, danger, violence and war. Many of us consider red as a color of love, but in fact it is more related to the excitement of falling in love.

Red is intense and it steals attention from other colors. It provokes emotions and calls to action or becomes a warning. Remember that red will will most likely bring pieces of text or images to the foreground.

Yellow 💛
Yellow is a colour associated with the sun. It symbolizes optimism, energy, joy, happiness and friendship. It might also stand for intellect. On the contrary, yellow can indicate jealousy, betrayal, illness and danger. It is strongly associated with food, often evoking cheerful feelings.

Orange 🧡
Orange is a secondary colour that combines two primary colours: red and yellow. It stands for energy, happiness and the joy of live. Moreover, it is associated with great enthusiasm, encouragement, determination and stimulation. It is a colour of creativity! Orange gives a strong sensation of heat, but it does not have the aggressiveness of red. It stimulates appetite. 

Blue 🩵
Blue is a cool and calming primary colour that stands for intelligence, openness, spirituality and creativity. Blue is popular among large concerns, hospitals and airlines, since it symbolizes wisdom, trust, loyalty and strength. It is relaxing and prevents from chaos.

Green 💚
In general, green is the colour of nature and the environment that combines the power of blue and yellow. It is associated with growth, health, renewal, youth, harmony, and freshness. On the other hand, it can symbolize safety in a metaphorical and physical way. For some people, it is strongly associated with money. Green is the most restful colour for our eyes.

Purple 💜
Purple has the stability of blue and the energy of red, two primary colours. It is associated with royalty, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transgression and spirituality. It also symbolizes both wisdom and enlightenment, it is a strong indicator of imagination.

We 💚&💜!
What do colours mean to you?!

Outdoor Registration Open
for Community Soccer 2024!

It's time to celebrate! Our recreational program online registration is open again!

We have LOCAL rec. level programs for 3-18 year olds from mid-May through mid August and it's open for registration online!

For full details check the Programs dropdown page of our menu and get clicking! <---

Spring Coach Course Dates:

Each spring, we host all the Canada Soccer in-person course components required to coach in local leagues.

Visit our Courses webpage for details!

Early Access Rate for Coaches!

Discounted Early Access Rate for recreational registration starts January 2nd - for Coaches - because we 💚 them!

Email icoach@norwestsoccer.com for your early access code.

All other registrations are open as of February 1st annually.
Please take a look at our Rec. Registration pages for details.

"Thanks Coach!"

She's Got Goals; Scores again!

Our She's Got Goals Indoor program sets another Registration Best! For the 5th year in a row. We opened our first registration for a female-only recreational program in 2019. It started with 26 girls coming weekly for Skills & Scrimmage. Each year since, we have registered more participants than the year before.

The 2023-24 season boasts 245 girls participating in rec. league soccer across the program, ages 6-18. 

Females bringing soccer to females, by female refs & coaches! Sixteen weeks of  #FemaleForwardFootball for all!


Different ages and stages of player development use specific fields that are age and stage-appropriate as per the Ontario Soccer matrix. This means not all divisions use the same parks. The parks we commonly use for our Outdoor season are listed on the map below as well as on our independent division pages.

We rent the majority of our Outdoor season fields from the City of London. They are lined, cut & maintained by the City on their own schedule.

There are two exceptions:

In partnership with the respective property owners, we built fields there and rent them accordingly.

Everyone has the right to feel safe and participate in an accessible and inclusive sport environment. This means the sport environment is free from violence, regardless of the participant’s age, ancestry, colour, race, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, language, creed, religion, athletic ability, body type, socioeconomic, family and marital status, gender identity, gender expression, sex, and sexual orientation.