Open Letter to Victims Of Bullying

To the Victims of bullying,

As you walk home, with a fresh bruise marked on your face. As the tears start rolling down, as you still feel the fists that went right into your stomach. As you remember the cruel insults, as sharp as a knife that surely pierced through your heart. There’s us. There’s a group of us which we don’t know, called the victims of bullying. All the types of bullying, Physical, Social, Cyber and Verbal. Kills us deep inside. You may be wondering who I am, I am a survivor of bullying. And i’ve gone through all the types of bullying.

I’ll tell you my story. I’m that type of girl, who trusts everyone too easily. I’m a girl, who enjoys hanging out with guys more than girls. I’m a girl, who has no sense in fashion, but tries to. I’m a girl who wants to play soccer but can’t even score a goal. And somehow I got strangled, by a person who i trusted. I got called flirtatious and a boyfriend stealer for hanging out with guys. I got called try-hard when I talked to new friends. I got called ugly, just because I wore something behind ‘trend’. I received insulting stares from people who don’t like me when I played soccer. A friend, who i thought cared about me, ending up being the one who took all my friends away from me just because of her idiotic jealousy.

Everyday half a year ago, I would cry in the bathroom stalls hoping that the problems would be gone. It didn’t. It got worse. 12.2% of victims end up going to the bathroom just because it felt safest. Just like me. Am I wrong that your crush likes me instead? Am I wrong that i’m me? It was to the point where I didn’t even want to go to school. I wanted to move. I wanted to escape. But I was forced to stay to face my problem. And I did. It was the most terrifying time and hardest time of my life. From that moment in hell lost all my friends. Just because of people I trusted and the people who I cared for. I was scared. Who knew, that all the smile they gave me at the start, was to end up with me, hurt and torn up.

Now, trusting people is painful. A slow and painful process. But as time passed I realized, i’ve gotten stronger. Every criticisms turns into energy for me to become even more stronger. Every stare turns into power for me to keep on going. I turned into someone who can see how different people are and trust me, that’s the reward that we get after getting out of the bullying cycle. Create a bin in your head, Throw all the suicidal thoughts in there, throw all the insults you took in too seriously in there, throw all the names of people who have hurt you. Think of it this way, anyone who comes up and bully you, has a reason behind it all. Apparently, 1.5 million (50%) young people were bullied and 145,000 of them were bullied everyday. And 33% of them had suicidal thoughts. You’re in critical danger if you have suicidal thoughts. Because you’ll be included in the 14% of young victims who’ve thought of it.

You might feel angry or hurt that they bullied you, but there’s a story behind every person. There’s a reason why they’re the way they are. Maybe that bully tried to harm you but do you know his whole family is abusive? Maybe that bully from the other day slapped you did you know her S/O just passed away after 4 years together? You’re probably wondering "how is it related to me? Their problem, why they bullying me?". It’s because they need someone to act upon. They need to show how strong they are. Feel sorry for them. And as you feel sorry for them, the more sympathy you have. Then you'll get stronger and stronger. Bring yourself back on your feet. Fight your way out of this nightmare. Fight without fighting. Fight with your intelligence they don’t have. You might be lonely after the occurrence, after you’ve escaped that bully’s grip, there’s always me, your fellow survivor of bullying. It’s hard, I know. But stay strong for a little more. And you’ll be free. After you’ve escaped. It’s your turn now, to tell your story and help other victims who are still far from escaping.

As you walk home, with a best friend. As the laughter you and your best friend share, as you still feel the warm hug, your significant other gave you . As you remember the compliment the friends at school gave you, that surely sewn your torn up heart. Remember; There’s us. There’s a group of us, which now you know, called the survivors of bullying.

Best wishes,

A Bullying Survivor