Open Letter to the NIST Student Body and the NIST School Board

Dear the NIST Student Body and the NIST School Board,

This is an open and public letter to the NIST community and the citizens with in. Everyday, I go home and I go to school, after my extra curricular activities. Everyday I see NIST students crowd around the food stalls across the street and in my opinion, this is very dangerous. I have noticed countless NIST students purchasing fizzy soft drinks and chewing on fluffy, rainbow colored cotton candy. Not to mention the increasing number of cars in our community. Someone could easily get hurt by waiting in line for food. From my expert safety observations, there is a 17% chance of accidents occurring on the streets because of random, floating food stalls. The food that is currently sold may be polluted due to the overly exaggerated smoky environment of Thailand and the toxic fuel from cars. Therefore, the food made by street vendors may not be entirely healthy and you may be swallowing some thick, poisonous, odorless and colorless gas (otherwise known as Carbon Dioxide.) According to, The Naked Scientist, ‘There's another factor. The body produces CO2 and it has a system for monitoring how much CO2 there is in the blood. If that level is high, it increases the breathing rate to get rid of the excess.In an atmosphere of pure CO2 that would tend to drive residual oxygen out of the body faster than an atmosphere of, for example, nitrogen. However there's another mechanism that's more likely to make a difference. If the brain is deprived of oxygen you faint. Normally, that's a good thing since it makes you lie down and that stops gravity draining blood + oxygen away from the brain. However, if you are in a room with no oxygen and you faint then you are not in a position to save yourself.’ Health is not valued until sickness comes, and nobody wants to be sick on purpose. You are lucky that I have a solution for you. Please listen up.

We could and we should build a convenience store across the street. We need food. And we need safe food. By building a completely new and modernized shop across the street, students would have access to delicious refreshments and sanitary items 24/7. As a friendly suggestion, this shop could be named 8 - 12 (with a similar layout to 7 - 11, except for the store employees.) I am not saying that we should steal the business away from street food vendors, but they should work at this store and build a sense of loving community and partnership with NIST. This way, the food in 8 - 12 would be more fresh and safe for students to consume. This store would sell all sorts of things, from soft drinks to snacks to required sanitary items to magazines and everything the food street vendors are already selling.

Imagine if one day, you forgot to top up your school money account and all of your friends refused to pay for you, because you’re not nice. This store would be your saviour, your light in the dark, your hero in shining armor! You would love this store and you would thank me for implementing this idea in the School Board’s brain.

I want the Student Body to vote on this issue, because we should have access to more, and we should have more freedom in school. This would also give street food vendors a choice to work at a proper store and earn a fair amount of income. What do you think about this NIST students? Let’s convince NIST. Re-post this open letter if you agree!



A Student 8 - 12 Supporter (I am actually Anja)