Open letter to Donald Trump supporters

Dear Donald Trump supporters,

Are you sure that you will vote for Trump? Are you sure that you are thinking straight? Is this really what you want for your country? I think that Donald Trump is completely unprepared and inexperienced to become a president. He has absurd ideas that are almost impossible to achieve. I honestly cannot believe that you people can support such a violent, sexist and prejudiced man. He is absolutely unprepared for any presidential debate or speech, how do you think he would do as a president?

His goals and claims are highly unrealistic and almost impossible for him to accomplish. For example, the wall that he wants to build to cover the border of USA and Mexico, the truth is that the wall won’t stop illegal immigrants,just building the wall would be practically impossible as it would have to stretch across over 2000 miles of rough terrain and would alone, cost about 15 to 25 billion dollars, which would easily be one of the most expensive infrastructures in American history, costing as much as 20 Hoover Dams or NASA’s annual budget. Not to talk about the cost of maintaining the wall, which they would have to tax the citizens more for. The wall would have to cut through mountains, rivers, villages and people’s homes. Increasing security at the border would never work, because it is estimated that 40% of all illegal immigrants in America came by planes, through passport control, they just overstayed their visas. A wall just keeps more immigrants rather than keeping them out, because once they go in, they aren’t allowed to go out, so they just decided to stay in America. The truth is that the illegal immigrants rate has dropped dramatically in the past few decades.

Trump also disavows any racism that people claim he does, he claims that Muslims hate the Americans, but according to a journalist, he has interviewed hundreds of Muslims and he said “I can confirm, the hateful one is you”. Trump encourages violence and promises to pay the legal fees for ones who commit violence on his behalf. Trump also has no qualification or experience for a type of job like this, he has only been a businessman but never had power to lead anything this big. Trump is always talking about how good America will become when he becomes the president but he doesn’t actually explain how he is actually going to do any of these things he allegedly “promised”. During his speech, it is estimated that most of what he said, were all lies. Does that make you think? That everything he “promised” might just be a lie.

Now I’m not saying that we should support Hillary, because they are pretty much just as bad as each other, like the fact that, if Hillary gets elected as president, she wants America to go to war with Syria and Russia, this could easily escalate into a full nuclear war. You guys should have voted for Bernie when you had the chance.

We need to stop supporting him, this insanity can not carry on any longer. If he doesn’t have supporters, he can’t do any of these absurd things. This will benefit America better if Trump doesn’t become president. Everything he said has been nothing but dirty lies. How do you think the world would be with Trump having the nuclear launch codes of America? That’s right. Have you ever thought about that? A power hungry, violence craving prejudiced man having the nuclear launch codes of America. Good luck with how that turns out. That’s all I have to say.

By a Bernie Sanders supporter