Open Letter to Society

Dear Society,

I am outraged by your limitations. I am disgusted by your rules. I am done being the person that you want me to be. I continue to stare helplessly, in horror at your actions. I’ve seen countless people change at your fingertips. But my incapable position only infuriates me further, only ignites my raging fire.

How many dreams have you shattered? How many hearts have you broken? How many people have you changed? What good do you get from controlling the lives of children? What good do you get from creating social norms to which we’ve got to adhere? What good do you get from ruining the future?

Stop limiting youth. Stop shaping youth. Stop destroying youth.

We are the current generation. We are the key to unlocking a better future. Isn’t that true? And yet, why are today’s children so much less creative and imaginative? Why are they so narrow minded? Why are they so BORING? Research shows that modern society, in other words, you, are limiting and extinguishing the spark in children. Luckily for us, and the rest of the world, a child’s creativity cannot be eradicated, and therefore needs to be nurtured from the dangers of your actions. Your stereotypes, your rules, your suppression are endangering children everywhere; you are jeopardizing our future. Your heavy emphasis on the embedded past is not only bringing children tumbling, but will continue to create a major difference in the world’s future as well.

Gender, race, socioeconomic class, and even interests; in modern societies there are stereotypes about almost everything. If children continue to follow these predetermined impressions, the future will never progress at all.

For example, a major question ignored by most of the world today is: why does gender matter?

Obvious enough for most people, it doesn’t matter. Boy, girl, we are all the same. We all have the same potential for success in the future. But children don’t know that. When I was little, even I didn’t think that was true.

Do you want to know why? Because of you. Because of you and your stereotypes.

I was taught, like countless other girls across the globe, that girls like pink and girls have to look pretty and girls are to look after everyone. And what do I learn about boys? Boys like blue. Boys are strong. Boys never cry. Your stereotypes, in addition to influencing the media, are defining the attitudes and personalities of children everywhere. Research shows that early gender bias experiences shape a child’s attitude, beliefs, access to education equality, participation in the corporate work world and physical and psychological well-being. Simply put, your stereotypes and generalizations are molding a child’s life. Instead of advancement in our world, your actions stagnate and hinder our progress, bringing us back to the old times in which there was no such thing as gender equality, or equality at all. If we continue to base our parental and educational advice and lessons off stereotypes, the future will continue to be predictable, although change is what we should be striving for.

But, you are creating a dejected, dangerous and dominative environment for children on a more personal level as well.

Through your excessive control over children’s decisions, choices and personalities are becoming continually unified. Traces of uniqueness and exceptionality are becoming minimal. Your limitations are causing children to lose confidence in their strongest values and beliefs, losing faith in their dreams and hobbies. Why is it such a big thing when a girl likes cars or likes to watch sports? Why is it such a big thing when a boy likes to cook or dance or create things? To be honest, I am someone who likes it all. I love cars and watching sports, but I love to cook and create things as well.

But then the big query that I constantly have is: why is liking school and being studious considered as “nerdy”? The word nerdy is a stereotypical label, that refers to studious people who lack social skills.

But you have taken stereotypes to the next level. People like me, who don’t entirely fit this category, are still regarded with a difference that isn’t as subtle as intended. My liking of school, and obsession for reading and watching movies is considered as “different” from other social groups in the community. But, luckily for me, I strongly support my dreams and interests. I haven’t really changed to conform to societal norms, although sometimes I do feel the need to hide my interests.

Why are you forcing children to distress over what they like to do? Why are you increasing internal self conflict and disrupting a child’s collective well-being? Research shows that lack of confidence and demotivation are the main reasons to why a child needs to abide with societal norms, and why the process in which children change their behaviours are significantly disrupting various aspects of their brain, during its vital period of growth. By influencing children’s decisions, you are limiting not only their future, but their ability to be humane and honest.

Everyone is different, and your fear of being disregarded in the future is making you do unforgivable things that will ultimately end up ruining the lives of everyone.

Society is meant to know best, society is meant to help guide this generation through relevant cultural and traditional values from the past. Although, that isn’t what is happening anymore. You are abusing your powers by guiding us along the wrong path. Of course, we are to learn from our previous mistakes, but we cannot only rely on the embedded past to be able to create our future. We must have the choice to choose from our past. We must be able to choose certain values from our past that are appropriate with our world today. And this is where you come in, but we all must be able to tell the future from the past in order to be able to create succession for us all in the coming years. Not all values and aspects of the past are positive, the current generation should be selective in what they choose to believe and persevere through with.

Children need to be entrusted. Children are our future. Children need to have the capability to be able control what lies ahead. In the same way, we need to let go of our past. YOU need to let go of your past filled with stereotypes and generalisations that are not welcome in this world today. You need to change your attitude. You need to change your values. You need to change your view on the world.

Change is positive. This is our last chance.


Jaskeerat T.