An Open Letter to Those Against Abortion

Dear US Government,

A baby. A brand new human life. Unwanted, ignored and hated. Is this not terrible? Well, this is what would happen if abortion were to remain illegal. Several children would suffer, knowing that they weren’t brought to this world on purpose.

My goal is to convince all of you. Not to force you to drop your current career and become a full-time activist, but to keep it in your mind that this is the most ethical choice. I am writing this today to a discuss a subject I have devoted my all of my time to for years- abortion, and why I believe it should be legalized.

I believe that women should not be forced to bring a life into this world. This is because I believe all women have the right to terminate their own pregnancy they believe is necessary, and most especially if that woman was a victim of rape, teen pregnancy or domestic abuse- than by all means, she should NOT be at fault and DESERVES the right to have her pregnancy terminated. Women have the right to reproductive choice, and it has been concluded that women with control over their pregnancy empowers them to be more independent and take control over their own bodies. Many unwanted babies are abused, neglected, or even killed by unloving parents. Tons of women make mistakes in having babies they don’t want and can’t love or care for. But this can all be prevented. It’s not that hard.

Many may argue this point by saying that women can give up their child for adoption- but even then, the adoption process in itself is a very long, tedious, and gruesome process and is just as emotionally damaging as an abortion. Some may regret an abortion, but this should not be a reason to deny choice to all women.

Women deserve more much more credit. Often times the responsibility could be too much for the women to handle, especially if the mother is still a teenager, which is often the case for abortions. It has been proven that 8 out of 10 teen fathers don’t stick around for their children. This leaves the mother by herself to take care of her child, which she probably didn’t plan to have in the first place. So most women have abortions mostly for the sake of their child- they know they can’t emotionally or financially take care of them. In fact, women who are denied abortions are more likely to be unemployed, live below the poverty line, or require government aid. Even after all of this, women are still taking judgement for thinking of having an abortion in the first place, and that’s not fair. Many can counter argue my point by saying it’s the woman’s responsibility to have the child, especially since she could’ve avoided this entire situation by not having intercourse. However, this in itself isn’t fair considering men don’t have to worry about getting pregnant after partaking in sexual activities. So why is it that women take all the blame?

Many may argue that abortion is murder of another human being and is selfish of the parents. However, it isn’t exactly murder as personhood only really begins as the fetus inside the womb can function and live properly outside the womb. This means that they aren’t exactly people during contraception, as the fetus hasn’t developed into an actual human yet. Abortion isn’t termination of a baby, just ending a pregnancy- the possibility of creating life. And the mother may or not be able to help support that child, so why bring a child into the world, knowing the mother doesn’t have the means to support it, whether that be financially and mentally? After all, aren’t the mothers, of all people, the ones who know best about how well they can manage or raise a child?

All around the world, we progress everyday by giving everyone the right to pursue their dreams. In a country known as the “Land of Opportunity”, why are women often the victim of never being able to follow their passions, especially because of a baby they didn’t even plan to have in the first place? I believe abortion is progression in society. I believe that this could help empower women and help them on the path to paving their own future. They deserve a choice on whether or not they have a child. People make mistakes. So why is it that by making this “mistake” of engaging in sexual activities, women essentially ruin their opportunity to build a career for themselves or climb up the business hierarchy?

In conclusion, I believe that it's better for society to have babies aborted than have them be brought up poor and neglected by parents who are only doing it for the benefit of both them and their possible child. Wake up America- it’s 2016. Take a stand with me now, and let’s all fight for the rights of women everywhere.


An advocate for women’s rights