Open Letter to Parents Of Gamers

Dear Parents of gamers,

A lot of children, teenagers and adults love to play games, violent, and nonviolent, but a few violent games parents do not let their children play. I wonder why? Well I am here to tell you today whether they should be able to play those violent games or not. In my opinion children should be allowed to play these violent games and I know it will not affect their youth violence. There are some pros and cons but the pros overcome the cons.

Firstly I would like to say that there are many different type of consoles that games can be played on like the PS4,Xbox1,PSP,Computer (PC,MAC,ETC). I will be talking about the computer games today. There are many different violent games on the computer like GTA V,Call of duty, Counter-Strike Global Offensive,Assassins creed,Mortal Kombat X, Etc. These games have some bad things like, blood, killing, competitive, and they are all addictive. These games at first might seem super violet but once you are playing the game you are used to it. Sometimes children see other people playing a game and then they get really tempted to try because it looks fun, this could cause your child to download the game and play it behind your back. What would you rather have? You know your child is playing that game, or he is playing it behind your back. I know I am not an adult so I know some people that may have done that before. Games like these can also bring their friends closer to each other and connect more through video games which is better for your kid to have more friends and be connected to them more.

I am aware that some people have gone crazy over video games and have killed people in real life under the influence of that. Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Jared Lee Loughner, these are some of the people that have killed due to additivity of video games. These people could have had some personal issues so they turned to video games and then got influenced to get there anger out by killing people. A way you could stop this would be to give your child a limit time like three or four hours a day of gaming while keeping track of what they play. Usually parents know where their children are when they are out of the house. In my opinion I feel like it is not the game your child is playing but it is how long you let your child play it. You should allow your children to pick the game but you should let your child know they can only play for a certain amount of time.

According to health land playing violent video games can decrease areas in the brain like emotion, and cause more aggression, and can make your child stronger. From my experience as a gamer I have not felt anything like this. This means it could depend on your child or how the brain is developed or not. I realize that this is dangerous but still we should let them play video games if they have fun, making your child stronger could help them in life later on if they get in any sort of trouble.

In conclusion if you are one of those parents that do not let your child play violent games I think you should reconsider because it could depend on how developed your child's brain is. As an experienced gamer i can tell you violent games are really fun and are easy to connect online to with other friends as well. It is a good way to connect and make new friends while having a really fun time. Please reconsider and have your children connect with a online world.


A Gamer