Open Letter to Donald Trump

Dear Donald Trump,

I am a 14 years old and I am an American citizen. Since I am 14 years old I am not very involved in the big political issue in the US. But I know that you have been inappropriate towards women and other cultures or races, you have been dishonest and you have been an unsuitable candidate to be the United States president. Although I am 14 years old and still maturing I have noticed that your actions and the things you say are just not right.

It doesn’t take a mature individual to see you have been brainwashing the American people with your sinister proclamations. You are leading this country down the wrong path with your plans to prevent muslims coming into the country or your plan to build the great wall of America to stop the mexicans from entering the United States.

I am writing to you to tell you I would not vote for you and that I am against your beliefs and actions to try and I quote, “Make America Great Again”.

I have listened to your speeches, I have seen your disgusting comments about women and other races. I want you to stop. I want you to stop doing these horrible things. You are polluting the minds of the American people. You are leading us down the wrong path.

I feel sorry for the people you have manipulated into voting for you. I really do. To be sucked into a false reality where America has such horrible problems. I really do. I feel bad that they have been manipulated to do such horrific strategies to try and fix this country. Yes, maybe America has some issues such as hunger and the homeless, the availability and affordability of health care and of course, the economy. These are all issues that Americans have been worrying about for a long time now. But Mr. Trump right now you’re America's biggest problem.

Mr. Trump you do not represent Americans. You do not believe what we believe, you do not represent who we are. This country faces problems that we need to fix. You are hooking Americans out of reality. You are claiming unrealistic, unreliable “solutions”

You have shown to not only America but to the world that you are unfit and incapable to be elected as president. You have shown with your comments, your quotes, your tweets and your way of trying to manipulate Americans.


14 year old American Citizen