Open Letter to the Indian Government

An Open Letter to the Indian Government

Dear Parliament of India,

We are an incredible nation of 1.252 billion people. 1.252 billion individuals combined to form a developing and thriving nation. A country which encourages strong respect values and where you are taught to be helpful and kind. A nation raised by Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and countless other remarkable leaders to be peaceful and accepting of one another. This is why the following fact is shocking to me.

It is devastating that same-sex marriage is not legal in India. According to a survey by the Supreme Court in 2012, there are 2.5 million gay and lesbian people in India. 2.5 million people who are not allowed to be married or participate in sexual activity without being placed in prison. 2.5 million people who have chosen to openly share their sexuality. 2.5 million people prohibited from being in love. 2.5 million people not able to be who they are because of the law the government condones. In case you were unaware, it is predicted that there are another 2 million in the LGBT community but have chosen to not share their sexuality in fear of the law and to conform to Indian society’s “traditional” expectations.

Homosexuality is an unspoken topic in Indian society. LGBT people in India can face social difficulties, in addition to legal ones. Many times, they might feel “out of place” or “unaccepted” by society. With all due respect, India’s strict, ancient culture and beliefs have not adapted to newer expectations of the modern world. In 2016, everyone should expect to be accepted by society and not have to feel the need to conform to outdated beliefs. Indian people are dedicated to preserving ancient traditions and beliefs. Legalizing same-sex marriage will not affect India’s culture. As a matter of fact, legalizing same-sex marriage will empower members of the LGBT community and enable them to thrive and be themselves openly without judgement. Indian society believes that gay and lesbian people are “rebels” or “choose to defy laws.” People in India need to be educated about LGBT people. They did not choose their sexuality, it is who they are. It does not make them bad people and they definitely do not deserve to be imprisoned for being themselves.

I have always been in awe of the countries that have legalized same-sex marriage, such as the United States, South Africa, Canada, etc. I always thought that these countries’ accepting nature toward diversity, sexuality and individuality was impressive. However, I realized that it was not impressive at all; it is what should be expected of each and every person on this planet. Being an accepting person should not be a characteristic or nature, it should be a natural behavior, the same way you are taught manners throughout your childhood.

Everyone on this planet deserves to be accepted for who they are. This is not dependent on race, sexuality, individuality or wealth. The third level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is “Love and Belonging.” This means that approximately 4.5 million people in India have not fulfilled this need due to the insane and inhumane law restricting this country.

As the Indian government, YOU have the power to change this. YOU have the power to look out for your people.

I plead for the sake of my country, allow the Indian LGBT community to have their rights and the ability to love openly.


A Very Concerned Indian