Open Letter to Thailand

Dear Friends International/Thailand,

Hundreds sometimes thousands of beggars doing nothing wrong are deported from Thailand daily, something needs to change. I personally think that the cause you are supporting is terrible and totally unthoughtful to your neighbouring countries as well as to the people you are affecting. I visited one of your establishments in Thailand where a presentation was given, you said you were helping people in poverty, helping Thailand, helping people in general. But is deporting beggars, people in poverty back to where they reached their state of poverty, back to where the poverty rates are too high, helping? You say you are helping people in poverty but is deporting the problem that you are supposed to be helping, pushing the problem away isn't really helping people.

Thailand has a poverty rate of 10% were Cambodia has a poverty rate of 20% that's double than Thailand’s one of the reason that Cambodia’s poverty rate is so high is that countries like Thailand are deporting people in poverty trying to get out of it when they can’t do that in Cambodia. Thailand shouldn’t be this selfish, Thailand should look at the bigger picture, Thailand should look at what they’re doing to the countries that they deport people to. A lot of the countries that Thailand deports beggars to are still developing and already have a huge amount of their own problems.

What Thailand is doing is very selfish they are thinking about themselves “cleaning up their city” and throwing what they don’t want to mostly underdeveloped struggling countries. Thailand’s motto may be “Country, Religion, Monarch” but that doesn’t mean that they should think of their country ahead of others cause other countries with do the same, such as Cambodia their motto is “Nation, Religion, King” which is very similar to Thailand’s but that doesn’t mean that Cambodia won’t do the same as Thailand and deport Thai people back to Thailand that aren’t doing anything wrong. The only thing that is happening from this is poor innocent people getting terrorised and constantly moving them throwing them farther into the hole that is depression. What Thailand is doing is how you start a deportation war, which is something that no country wants.

A child named Fil was exploited as child in Thailand forced to beg for local street gangs for a place to sleep and food. It was not the ideal life for a young child without a caring mother to take care of him Fil couldn’t go to the police without the fear of getting deported and thrown even further into poverty but an organisation against deporting beggars in Thailand picked Fil up helped him get a decent life, sent him to school, allowed him to live the life that a 10 year old should live. This could be prevented by deporting the people forcing the beggars to beg, not deporting the people forced to beg. Begging is a last resort or a forced thing that people do not choose and don’t want to be involved in. Thailand needs to get to the top of this and get the guilty people not deport the innocent and say they’re fixing the problem.

I think that Thailand should think about its law on beggars, change it up a bit so it's more friendly towards other countries and innocent people that don’t deserve to be deported.


A Innocent Cambodian