27th January 2020

Dear Grazebrook families,

We had a very exciting week last week at Grazebrook, we opened our doors to colleagues from around the country and indeed across the world. We had visiting educators looking at how we support children's learning through our use of technology and also looking at our expertise in Early Reading through our English Hub. We are very proud to be able to share our successes with other educators, very proud of our fabulous learners and our talented staff too. The children really enjoying showing all that they have achieved to our guests and it was delightful to see their evident pride in their work.

This week and for the remainder of the half term we have our curriculum workshops for families. There is an opportunity for you to come and see how we are developing our curriculum and to learn alongside your child - the dates are below and we would love to see you there. Our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) parents' sessions are this week too both before and after school - please do come along. Our usual RSE year group specific drop-in sessions will still take place later in the academic year too - dates for those sessions will follow in the Summer term.

Thank you so much to our families who have sent in some historical objects or artifacts. We have spent a lot of time this half term focusing on historical sources and what we can learn from them so it is fabulous to have some real life examples too; even if for us adults the artifacts aren't that old!

I've had a few concerns raised recently about idling engines before and after school during pick up and drop off times. I know how committed we are as a community to our sustainability agenda, please ensure you are doing your bit by switching off your engine when to come to collect or drop off - we will be doing some work with our pupils and families shortly so please expect to hear more.

Have a lovely week,

Jess Hutchison

Copy of Curriculum come learn

Love of Reading

This week our children have been showing off their amazing phonics work to over 50 visitors from across the south east. It was truly amazing to see all of our children so engaged and active in their learning and practising of early reading.

Our visitors were blown away by the quality of work that they observed across EYFS and KS1. Well done to everyone involved.

We have also been making the most of our Reception outside space and there are some exciting new features developing, we especially love our outdoor reading, our new construction tools and our creative corner. Early years are outside learning whatever the weather!

Computing 27th January 2020

Digital Learning

This week we welcomed visitors from Norway, Holland and Uzbekistan into our classrooms!

We were able to showcase the wonderful learning that happens within our classrooms as well as how we enhance the pupil experience through the use of technology.

Our talented digital leaders were also able to work one to one to teach our visitors the power of animation as a learning tool.

It was a really exciting experience for both the children and the visitors and we were very impressed by our digital super stars and the work they saw across the whole school.

PSA events this half term include a Bake Sale for Year 4. The money raised will go to supporting the year groups with trips and visits so please do get baking or buying and of course drop by for an end of week treat!

Year 4 Bake Sale - 7th Feb

Please help keep our school safe - no nuts or seeds in home baked items please.

After the half term there is our termly film night too.

Further details to follow but please save the date - 28th February from 4pm.