23rd March 2020

Dear Grazebrook families

This is likely to be the last bulletin for a while, I wish all our families the very best in the weeks ahead. We will miss you!

As you look through this bulletin you will find further details of some of the systems we have put in place to help you at home.

Packs - we sent home packs of work for children last week. These are the exact same packs that have been posted on Google Classroom today. If you weren't in school last week and weren't able to bring home a pack you will still have all the work via Google Classroom.

Google Classroom - Every pupil in the school has been given a google classroom account and work will be posted every Monday along with messages teachers want to convey to families. If you are having any difficulty logging on then please contact the school office at gboffice@newwavefederation.co.uk. This will also be a way for us to ensure that everyone is safe and well so please stay in touch as we will be following up with anyone we have not heard from.

Twitter - we are re-tweeting as much as possible when we come across local advice and information, government advice and also any educational or stay-at-home news that we think might help or be of use. Please follow us on Twitter to make the most of what we are offering

Mostly though I urge you to follow government advice:

If you are a key worker, please only send your child into school if you have no safe alternative. This allows us to protect provision for our most front-line staff where all adults in the family are crucial to the Covid-19 response. To limit the spread of the disease and alleviate pressure on the NHS, all families who are able must stay at home.

Please also note that social distancing requirements apply to children too. There is evidence to show that children are not as susceptible to the illness but they are carriers of the virus and will contribute to its spread. This means no play dates or visits to family members. I know it is challenging keeping children in, especially if you are trying to simultaneously work from home, but this is preferable to an overwhelmed NHS. Thank you for your co-operation in keeping our nation safe.

We are still able to respond to emails, if you are having problems or need us in any way please do drop us a line. We will prioritise the most urgent requests for help so please do bear with us if we don't respond immediately. Please also note that we will only respond within school hours 9-3.30pm Monday to Friday.

I look forward to welcoming you all back on the other side of this. Stay safe and stay home.

Best wishes,

Jess Hutchison

Love of Reading

The most important thing you can do with your child is read with them!

Local libraries are making ebooks available and our fabulous Stoke Newington bookshop is continuing to trade albeit with social distancing expectations being followed. They have also offered to deliver to families who are in self-isolation.

Audible are also giving away a number of audio books for children free of charge, click here to find out more: Audible Free Stories For Children.

Google Classroom

We will be posting new lessons on Google Classroom every Monday and checking that pupils are accessing the learning every Wednesday so please keep in touch regularly. You can upload work to Google Classroom, the ILD (for Reception and Nursery) or one of the Year Group email addresses for EYFS and KS1:





We will be following up with families who have not made contact so please do be in touch via one of these channels.

Free School Meals

All of our families entitled to Free School Meals are able to collect a meal from school. If you are not sure if you are eligible please contact the school office to find out.

Meals can be collected from the side gate on Lordship Road between 12.30 and 1.30 on Monday to Friday. Please note lunches are freshly made in our kitchen daily and are all vegetarian and served cold.

If you need to complete an application for Free School Meals the link can be found below:
