10th February 2020

Dear Grazebrook families,

This is the last bulletin of this half-term and the academic year is now half way through, I can't quite believe how time has flown!

We are continuing to work on our Joy of Reading agenda, please spend some time in your local library, bookshop or charity shop book corner over the half term and discover a new gem or two. We'd love to hear any recommendations. We are also, once again, refreshing our book corners so, if you have any books you longer need, find a charity shop bargain or are feeling extra generous in a bookshop or online we would love any donations of children's books. Our community has been so generous; it really is appreciated and the children of Grazebrook benefit hugely from your kindness.

We have continued to welcome our families into school to share our philosophy and approach to teaching history with you; thank you to all who have attended and for your words of support and enthusiasm. We have also had a very exciting artistic workshop led by one of our talented GB parents. Let us know if you would like to do something similar!

Wishing you all a very lovely half-term break when it comes. Hackney Learning Trust have published a list of half-term activities and play centres available here: https://www.learningtrust.co.uk/sites/default/files/document/Playschemes.pdf

Jess Hutchison

Love of Reading

Thank you to our lovely Year 5 families who enjoyed their Reading Breakfast on Friday last week. We have had such great attendance at these events - it is wonderful to see our community's commitment to a love of reading!

We will continue to host reading breakfasts as part of our joy of reading focus, please keep an eye on the calendar for the latest dates.


Curriculum Workshops

Our curriculum workshops have also been a great success. Last week it was the turn of Years 3 and 4 to come into school and find out more about our curriculum offer and focus and to enjoy learning alongside their children.

Year 3 were mummifying oranges as part of their Ancient Egyptian history topic and Year 4 were finding out about how transport has changed in living memory and making historical enquiries into how their parents' experience of transport was different to their own.

We look forward to welcoming Years 1 and 2 next week!

3/4 curriculum workshops

Budding Artists

A huge thank you to Paul Catherall, one of our parents who came into school to share his expertise with Year 4. His fantastic artwork features on London Transport posters and, as Year 4 are studying the history of transport, he generously offered to run a workshop linking art with history.

The children got so much from the session and the results, as I am sure you will agree, are quite something!

If you, or another family member, would like to run a workshop or give a talk to children we'd love to hear from you.

Budding artists
sharing assembly

Egyptian Wonders

Well done to 3B for their sharing assembly last week. They wowed us with their knowledge and understanding of their Ancient Egyptian topic and their clear, loud voices.

They have learnt a great deal about Ancient Egypt, the importance of the Rive Nile, the building of the pyramids and the sources of evidence we can use to learn about this fascinating period of history - including poo!

You made us all very proud 3B - great work!

The next PSA event is the film night on 28th February - save the date!

The film is the fantastic Inside Out, and tickets are a very reasonable £2. There will also be Il Bacio pizza, soft drinks and popcorn on sale. All for a very important cause!

We looking forward to seeing you there.