30th September 2019

Dear Grazebrook families,

Another great week at Grazebrook school, the weather has begun to be properly autumnal and we have certainly been braving the rain!

A huge thank you to our community for all their support of good causes; our first PSA event - The Barn Dance, raised an amazing £1300 for the school. Our inaugural cake sale was also a tremendous success and raised over £250 for Macmillan, our most successful cake sale yet. Thank you so much for all of your baking, eating and dancing - we are very lucky to have such a fantastically supportive community.

Well done to 4B who wowed us all with the first sharing assembly of this year too, we were very impressed with the way they had interpreted The Story Machine following our author visit; the language they used to describe their characters was incredible and they embodied our love of stories perfectly.

Last week also saw our wet but very enjoyable Countryside Live visits, where children were given an experience of countryside life in a way we don't always get living in a metropolitan environment, just one of the many ways we seek to broaden our curriculum offer to our pupils and provide rich and stimulating experiences.

Wishing you a wonderful week,

Jess Hutchison

Love of Reading

This half term we have launched our Reading Albums as a way of celebrating of our love of books. We have started off by celebrating a favoured story and we will be continuing to add to them as our reading journey progresses across the year. We will be sharing recommended reads, reading in unusual places, page 99ing (wait and see) to see if we might like a book.

I even have one of my own too in which I am sharing my enjoyment of reading with pupils - I am getting a lot of great recommendations of books to read!

Currently I am reading Knock Three Times by Cressida Cowell, I have throughly enjoyed that last two books in the series and can't wait to find out more about the adventures of Wish and Xar - if you haven't read them do ask, I throughly recommend the series.

Reading Albums
Curriculum 7th Oct


We have already enjoyed our history learning so much this term. So many interesting facts, people to learn about and new things to discover. We have dressed up, created our own fossils, re-enacted key events and much, much more. A huge thank you to our Grandparents in Year 1 who came in to school to share with our children how life has changed within living memory. It really helped to bring our topic alive.

Countryside Live

Our Year 2 and 5 pupils braved the rain to have the most amazing experience at the Countryside Live show in the Lea Valley park last week.

They came back to school buzzing about all the things they had seen; it is a fabulous opportunity for our children who live in our great city to get a taste of the countryside life that they may not otherwise get chance to experience.

The shire horse and cart rides were a particular treat but also farming demonstrations, wildlife classifications, sheep shearing and much, much more.

Countryside live