Physical Education 7/8 

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Offered in 2024-25

(271 A/B) Physical Education 7/8 b

Open to:  Grades 7 & 8   Length:  2 semesters/every other day

**This is a required course

Course Content: Physical Education 7/8 B will emphasize multiple activities: individual and team activities in small-sided game formats, adventure education, dance, water safety, swim and water fitness, strength and cardiovascular training, and health-related components related to assessing personal health and achieving the goal of living a physically active lifestyle into adulthood.

Course activities: Skill development/gameplay, strength, and cardiovascular training, wall climbing, beginner-level swimming and water fitness, fitness testing, and health concepts related to living a physically active lifestyle. A conservative swimsuit (one-piece for girls and lined trunks for boys) is required.

Cost:  Heart Rate Strap $16. 

Optional: Swim Goggles.

Offered in 2025-26

(270 A/B) Physical Education 7/8 A

Open to:  Grades 7 & 8   Length:  2 semesters/every other day

**This is a required course

Course content: Physical Education 7/8 A will build off the lessons taught in grade 6 by teaching students how to understand and participate in physical activities that can help them develop positive attitudes toward maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practice cooperation, and understand and improve their health-related fitness and motor skills. Students will use pedometers, heart rate monitors, and fitness assessment tools to gain a general knowledge of how and why they need to monitor daily activity. From the knowledge they acquire, students will create a personal fitness profile. Students will review content related to water safety and will work on swim stroke form and skill refinement. 

Course activities: Skill development/gameplay, strength and cardiovascular training, wall climbing, beginner-level swimming, fitness testing, and health concepts related to living a physically active lifestyle.  A conservative swimsuit (one-piece for girls and lined trunks for boys) is required.

Cost: Heart Rate Strap $16. 

Optional: Swim Goggles.

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