Alternatives to College

Gap Year/Alternatives

Alternatives to College… Exploring your Options

Have you ever thought that starting college right after high school might not be the best option for you? Maybe you’re a little stressed or confused about what career path you would like to follow or what college is the best fit for you. Don’t forget you have other options: it is perfectly acceptable and often beneficial to take a year off between high school and college to explore other prospects. Discovering other opportunities allows you to grow, mature, and experience something new that will expand your perspective and make your future formal education a more meaningful and purpose-driven endeavor.  Since this is a big decision, a plan should be devised in order to receive the most out of this experience.

Research, research, research!! There are many different programs that offer employment, traveling, military, or volunteer placements and it is important that you receive all the information possible. Speaking to individuals who have actually been through the program is a great idea!

Decide how much time you have in between your formal education and high school. You might have 15 months or 3 months. Instead of committing to one program, time might allow you to explore a few different ones.

Next, figure out who will be financing your time off. Will you be working? Does the program have a fee? Are there stipends or scholarships offered? Will your parents be helping?

Finally, be aware of where you would like to spend your time and in what conditions you want to live in. Do you want to be close to home? Do you want to travel to a foreign country or to a different part of the USA? The living situations differ greatly between programs. Some programs are adventure based and spend weeks “roughing it” and others place you with a host family.

Guide to Gap Years

American Gap Association

J2Guides Experience Gap Year Consultants accredited by the Gap Year Association. 

The Year Out Group Informative website which allows students to understand the year off and search for many

different programs.

Serve Your World An online database of volunteer organizations.

Student Conservation Association Provides housing, food, and other expenses for volunteers who work from 3-12 months on rural

and urban restoration projects.

Americorps: A federally operated program combining a service project, with a stipend that may be used for


Dynamy A year that combines an internship, independent living, individual advising and an Outward

Bound experience into an exploration of your skills, ambitions and the world around you.

City Year Gives a student the opportunity to serve as a tutor or mentor in schools, running after school programs and developing youth leadership programs. Stipends and other benefits are provided.

EauPair Helps Americans link up as au pairs in countries all over the world.

Global CrossroadVolunteer, internship and job opportunities in India, Nepal, China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Mongolia, Ghana, Costa Rica, Equador, Kenya and Tibet.

Global Service Corp Provides international volunteers worldwide to live and work abroad on projects in developing


Habitat for Humanity A volunteer organization that builds decent, affordable housing for poor families.

I-to-I Volunteer Abroad Arranges volunteer work, and teach abroad programs for students.

Summer Spanish Immersion:  (Summer only, but worth mentioning!)

The Samaritans A telephone Befriending Service which hires volunteers that desire an interim experience.

United Nations Volunteers UN organization that supports human development globally by promoting volunteerism and by mobilizing volunteers.

Where There Be Dragons Learning opportunities through off-the-beaten path expeditions to China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Tibet, India, Mongolia, Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru. Trips can be rugged wilderness explorations.


My Future: Information on finding a job, independent living, internships and joining the military.

Job Corps 


Minuteman Career Trade Programs