Post-Secondary Information & Planning

The post secondary planning process is an 18 month journey beginning in January of the junior year and continuing through Spring of senior year.  School Counselors work with students and families throughout this process to support each student's individualized plans.  Through group & individual meetings, parent evening presentations, and resources available on this website, the NHS Counseling department provides comprehensive support.  Although we emphasize that this is a student centered process we recognize that families play an integral role. 

A great question to ask is "Why am I going to college?" Too much of the focus in post-secondary planning is seemingly about "getting in."  Students should remember that they want to have a positive experience while in college, and that in many ways, college is a "means to an end."  The most important goal is that everyone ultimately finds a job or a career that they love and a campus where they can excel.  

Everything a student does throughout high school is primarily contributing to what we hope is a positive high school experience and helps them become a person that is working toward reaching their full-potential and being a happy and healthy adult.  

Post-Secondary Philosophy

What are my options?

In any given year, roughly 95% of Needham High School graduates attend 4 year college, and begin in the fall immediately following graduation.  That is not, however, the only option students have.   

Please review some of the many options and opportunities listed here. 

Tips for Parents

Remember that college immediately after high school does not guarantee success. The worst reason for your student to go directly to college is because it is expected. As it stands, fewer than 6 in 10 students entering 4-year colleges graduate within six years. Heading off to school without knowing why is not going to improve the odds.

Be open to and support your student’s ideas for alternatives to college. In fact, going to college with the maturity gained from doing something else first can be beneficial for some students.

Stress the importance of planning ahead. Depending on the interest, a gap-year program may also require an application.

It’s important that your student work hard throughout senior year, not letting grades drop at the end since the transcript the college receives for the deferred applicant will be for the complete year. They will want to see consistent effort.

If your student decides to study or volunteer abroad in a developing country, make sure they fully understand the living situation. Culture shock can be very difficult and to get the best experience out of their year off, they should feel safe, healthy and secure.

***If you are deferring from a college to take a GAP year please note that some colleges are requiring a deposit for doing so. This is in addition to the deposit you make by May 1st to secure your enrollment at the given institution. Like the May 1st deposit this GAP year deposit would be non-refundable should you change your mind and go elsewhere after your GAP year***