Mental Health MATTERS

Please, do not wait.  Do something to help yourself now by doing one of the three options below.

1st - Can you speak with your parents?  Parents often are receptive if you start the conversation with the phrase "Can we please talk" or "Can we go on a walk" or "I need to chat with you about..."

2nd - Have you spoken with your high school counselor or trusted adult?  The instructors are there to help you.

3rd - Here are some phone numbers and websites to help you.

If you are thinking about hurting yourself, call 911 or 988 or Text TALK to 741741 now!  Go ahead, and make that call, someone is waiting to chat with you.

Seize the Awkward Suicide Prevention Resource  Center You are not alone

What step did you take?  None?  You have three options above.  Please, follow one of them. Get help now!  We care about you and know that You Are Not Alone!