Unit Announcements

Read about the cool events the cadets have done this year - Company Newsletter of April 2021


Congratulations to the following cadets for selection as staff for the second semester of this school year. It has been a challenging year, but you all got this. Good luck to you all. Bravo zulu!

Commanding Officer - Kinkade Bell, C/LCDR

Executive Officer - Elizabeth Donner, C/LT

Admin Officer -

Joshua Galera, C/ENS

Operations Officer - Mark Durango, C/ENS

Supply Officer - Michelle Harris, C/ENS

Training Officer - George Prielipp, C/ENS

Public Affairs Officer - Ruben Santillana C/CPO

Recruiting Officer -

Faith Rice, C/CPO

Company Senior Chief - C. J. Hoff, C/SCPO

If you are graduating or not returning to NJROTC next year, on or around 5 May, 2021 please take your entire uniform to Fireweed cleaners. Put your non-dry clean items in a ziplock bag with your name on the bag so we know who it came from when we receive them. If you don't want your boots or dress shoes, drop them off at the cleaners also. They will have a box for Service NJROTC.