Cadet Operations Officer

Good Morning? Good Afternoon? Good Evening? Well, whatever time of the day it is, here you are. Hi! I am Cadet/ENS Kamila Hassanieh. Some of you may know me already, though, for the ones who don’t, I am thrilled to get to know each other this upcoming year. This will be my third year in this magnificent company. I am an upcoming Junior and your Operations Officer for the 2023-2024 school year. This will be my second year in this position! Now, I was very fortunate of getting an incredible opportunity by having the chance of being part of the staff as an upcoming Sophomore. Though, trust me, it was not easy. The past Operations Officer taught me that this position holds many special values and I would like to give you that perspective about how important this job is. It is a wall that contributes a significant segment to this unit. Although all staff positions have a crucial role that is needed for the company to achieve its goals as a whole, the Office of Operations holds a very unique position. The main tasks that this job holds are; printing sign-ups and updating the calendars early on, ensuring the timely planning and execution of all activities. For example, with the POIC/OIC briefings, the OpsO makes sure the leaders of the events we help contribute to are fully aware of their duties. However, I would like to think of it as more than that. It is a combination of creativity, imagination, paperwork, time management, willingness, and superior leadership. As I said, this is a very unique position that has helped the company succeed throughout the years and be better than before. 

Other than being a cadet, I am a very outdoor person! I love hiking, camping, riding my bike, and going for walks. I plan on getting an ROTC scholarship and becoming an Orthopedic or a Plastic Surgeon. Surgeons are just very extreme people overall so why not? Well, thank you for taking the time to read this, and I can’t wait to get to know every single one of you or more about you this upcoming year. Excited to see what this company is capable of becoming with you in it!

Sincerely, Kamila Hassanieh.