Cadet Administrative Officer

Hello! My name is Cadet Ensign Rebecca Conway. This year I am the Administrative Officer for this company (AKA Admin). One of the more important Admin jobs is to keep all information about our cadets private and organized. Another job I do is keep track of all permission slips for any event we do, such as the military ball permission slips or the summer camp forms. Besides keeping track of papers and such, I also put all your information into a website called CDMIS. CDMIS holds everything. It holds your personal information, all ranks you have earned, any event you have participated in, all the awards you have earned, and more. A main thing I do is keep track of papers called POIC sheets which pretty much shows that you did a certain event so you get credit for it, and then I enter them into CDMIS. The last main job I do is keep track of hours for promotions and enter the promotions into CDMIS.

During my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, skiing, and baking. I also enjoy hanging out in the JROTC room at school and talking with the people who are also there. The 2023-2024 school year will be my junior year and also my third year in the NJROTC program. I will be mainly at AMCS for my classes besides JROTC, but I will be at school after my classes are done and in the mornings so feel free to ask any questions, I will try my best to answer them or help out as much as I can. 

Have a great year and most importantly, have fun!!