Supply Officer

Hi y’all! I'm Cadet Ensign Lexi Bazar, and I'm the Cougar Company's current Supply Officer. My job is to make sure that the Company as a whole obtains the supplies it needs to run smoothly and efficiently. Aside from ensuring that each cadet has everything they need for their uniform(s).

This is my fourth year in the Cougar Company and as a Senior, I have been in the same position for two years in a row this coming school year and I’m excited to meet all of the new cadets. Beginning of my sophomore year I applied to be a supply assistant and started learning about the job with the guidance of our past supply officer and our instructors. In the past 3 years back from COVID season to this present year I’ve participated in drill teams and academic teams and spent some of my time helping other cadets do community service. During my free time I love to read books and sometimes I also spend my time baking.

That’s about everything you need to know. I will do my absolute best to do my job better. I look forward to being your Supply Officer for this upcoming school year! I wish you all the best, and always remember to see every problem as the opportunity to find a solution. Zai jian!