Cadet Recruiting Officer

Hi, l am cadet Petty Officer Third Class(PO3) Gracelyn Oshiro. I am the Robert Service High School NJROTC Recruiting Officer. I set up and plan the recruiting events for the company, as well as display the company as a welcoming and fun atmosphere. 

  I try to have a fun-loving attitude, trying to create a positive attitude towards my peers and friends. I do not discourage this program, it has taught many life lessons l will take to my adult life. I am not a person that likes to not be busy, l like to try to do something productive on my down time. But for fun l like to hangout with friends/family, and go on car rides. My hopes for me and my classmates, are to be successful in whatever job you wish to pursue as a career. Their will be obstacles and hardships, but the resilience to try again will bring you further than those who do not try. Ok now, RECO has said her words of wisdom and hope you consider them, and use them.