Stock Footage / AI Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to explore how to create a full-fledged commercial for an organization you care about using only stock footage and content generated using Artificial Intelligence (AI). We will look at a series of commercials that each convey specific emotions. We will look at different types of stock footage and Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated media options that allow us to "paint a picture" using pre-existing videos and artificially generated content. Each student will then create their very own short video using stock footage and/or AI content to support an organization of their choosing.

Watch some of the commercials below. What type of emotion does each commercial convey to the viewer? What message is the commercial trying to get across?

Stock Footage Options

Similar to royalty-free music, stock footage is becoming increasingly popular for filmmakers to use in their productions. Companies are curating large libraries of stock footage that filmmakers can access (usually for a fee). This is a much cheaper and quicker way for a filmmaker to produce a finished video. See my GNS Launch Pad video below. I made this in a couple of hours using stock footage. If I had to go out and actually film all of that, it would have taken weeks or months to create.

Examples of videos created using stock footage

Launch Pad Promo.m4v

Examples of videos created using Artificial Intelligence (What can you see in these videos that gives away what technology was used?)

commercial ASSIGNMENT

You will create a 30 second commercial using only stock footage and/or AI Content. The commercial needs to have a coherent theme. That means, the clips all need to be connected in some way. Think about what message and emotion you want to convey to the viewer. What organization, cause, or charity is your commercial promoting or supporting?

Step 1 (Criterion A): Research some inspirational commercials that you like. 

Step 2 (Criterion B): Determine what message you want your commercial to communicate to the viewer.

Step 3 (Criterion C): Create your video.

Assignment resources

AI Resources for Scriptwriting & Voiceover creation

free stock footage sources


When your video is complete and uploaded to your Google Drive, make sure the sharing settings are set to "Glenlyon Norfolk School", not "Private". Then click the link below to share your link with me: