Camera Angles

Camera angles, and degree of those angles, can totally change the meaning of a shot. See below for a description of the 7 most-common types of camera angles.

Shot Types Explained

low angle shot

This shot frames the subject from below their eyeline. These camera shots most often emphasize power dynamics between characters. A low-angle shot on one character is often paired with a high-angle shot on the other character. Generally, a low angle is used to make the subject within the frame seem large, imposing, daunting or more powerful.

high angle shot

In this shot, the camera points down at your subject. It usually creates a feeling of inferiority, or “looking down” on your subject. Generally, a high angle is used to make the subject within the frame seem small, isolated, vulnerable or less powerful.

overhead shot

An overhead shot, or birds-eye view shot, is from above, looking down on your subject. These are typically shot from 90 degrees above — anything less might be considered a high angle shot instead.