The Extended Essay at MDID
What can you expect from this site?
Class of 2025: We will be using this site in conjunction with ManageBac as we introduce the EE and begin the process in our first semester together. Your materials will be found under "Introducing the EE" and more will go "live" as we move through our introductory sessions. As we move into the actual work of doing the EE, our EE session materials will be found on Managebac, while this website will aid you in your work outside of our class time together.
Supervisors: There are specific things for your, found in the section creatively called "Supervisors." You may also benefit from the subject-specific pages in "The EE Process." There is also a folder of documents in the DP Teachers group on ManageBac; subject reports and rubrics are available there.
Schedule for DP2, Semester 1 Students
But remember, if there are major changes to these specific dates, there will be an announcement on Managebac and probably one in person as well to everyone.
September 27th: Students must complete their interim reflection meeting with their supervisor. Please remember that the main focus of this meeting is showing what you have accomplished over the summer break and talking through what else needs to be done before the first draft!
September 30th, 2024: Second Reflection must be completed and uploaded to Managebac.
October 11th: FIRST DRAFT DUE.
October 19th: School anniversary fair. Students who fail to complete a first draft on time will be required to attend the make-up session on the 10th floor with me.
November 28th: FINAL DRAFT DUE!!!
January 8th: Completion of the Viva Voce and the final reflection. All work must be finalized and uploaded as a PDF to Managebac by then.
Timetable for DP1, End of Semester 1 and beginning of Semester 2!
December 3rd, 2024: Introduction of EE Proposals and Main Ideas
December 10th: Submission of Google Forms Detailing the 3 subject ideas you are most interested in.
January 7th, 2025: Final Submission of EE Proposals Due! Submission of 1 is mandatory. Submission of 2 would be nice.
February 18th, 2025: MDID EE Cafe during CLUB TIME!
March 4th, 2025: Submission of written student/supervisor agreement.
May 6th, 2025: Submission of FIRST REFLECTION on Managebac.
June 24th: Outline of essay submitted along with T. Jonathan sit-down interview. Submitted in Worksheet section of the your EE Mangebac page.
This link is a crucial resource for guidance on how to interpret the assessment criteria for each subject! DP2 students pay extra special attention!