Please fill in your attendance for today's
English class and check your attendance before 5pm

Date :
20th of August 2021

Day : Friday

Time : 9.00 a.m - 10.00 a.m

Topic : English Week Contest

Good morning everyone!

As being told, this week we will have an English week.
re are three contests organised by English Panel SKDT for Level 1.

Each pupil need to take part at least one contest. It is strongly recommended to take part in all contest.

Here are rules and regulations for each contest.

You may choose any nursery rhymes from your text book. Or you can just google it or watch the video in youtube . Here are some examples from previous topics for your reference. You can also use any nursery rhymes you like. Credits will be given for costume, action and extra percussion.

Here are some examples of short stories. You may read the story with correct intonation and pronunciation. Or you can just search any story you like. You can also search previous stories from your textbook. Credits will be given for costume and props.

Here are some example of short story videos. You can also search previous stories from your textbook. Refer previous site for more. You need to read and remember the story. You need to tell the story with correct intonation and pronunciation. Credits will be given for action, costume and props.

For your information, this task will determine for your performance assessment.

So, please
plan, prepare and do nicely. You still got time before submission.

Don't rush, do your very best.

Submission link:

You may submit your recorded video according to your class.

Kindly contact your respective teacher if there are any inquiries.

Thank you for your cooperation and efforts.

See you in the next week.