28.05.2021 (Friday)

Good morning everyone!

Date : 28th May 2021

Time : 9.00 a.m - 10.00 p.m

Topic : Unit 1- At School (Project Based Learning)-DIY craft


At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. List out at least 2 shapes.

  2. List out at least 2 colours.

  3. Give simple personal information using basic statements.

Today, we're going to continue the last part of project based learning(PBL) - DIY craft.

Your task for today is to present your craft to teacher and friends.

So, what you need to do today are :

  1. final touch up for your craft.

  2. present craft that you have prepared.

  3. list out all the shapes and the colours included for your craft.

Have no idea how to present?
Don't know what need to be said in your videos?

Worry not!

Teacher will guide you.

Your presentation can be presented in many ways depending on your creativity.

Check out my presentation below about my robot.

You may use the script below as reference or for ideas of your presentation.


Kindly submit your video presentation to your respective teachers through telegram link below. Please ask your questions in telegram group for any inquiries.

1 UKM- https://t.me/joinchat/dgs32hVVEBNmYjc1 (Teacher Syafiqah)

1 UPM - https://t.me/joinchat/JitKN88RVuwyZWE1 (Teacher Farieha)

1 USM - https://t.me/joinchat/TqlpbIrqm3FRFCRC (Teacher Farieha)

1 UTeM- https://t.me/joinchat/NOeLM73duNkwMjQ9 (Teacher Nadirah)

Don't forget. For this project,

A winner will be chosen for each class by your English teacher for the best craft created. (certificate for the winner will be provided too)


A champion will be selected from 4 classes of UKM< UPM<USM & UTEM by our respected Year 1 English teachers( Miss Nadirah, Ms.Farieha,Mdm Syafiqah)

The prize will be posted to your home during the school holiday..

All the best.