25.05.2021 (Tuesday)


Good morning everyone!

Date : 25th May 2021

Time : 8.00 a.m - 9.00 p.m

Topic : Unit 1- At School (Project Based Learning)-DIY craft


At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify things with different shapes and colours in their surrounding.

  2. Plan and list down the steps in making a creative craft

  3. Prepare materials to create a craft using different shapes and colours.

Congratulations to all children who have made a very creative presentation yesterday. You did a wonderful job .

Today, we're going to continue with a project based learning(PBL) - DIY craft.

This project is based on the topics that we have learned in unit one which are colours and shapes.

Let's show your creativity and talent in this inter-class competition


Your task for today is to identify materials or things that you are going to use to create a craft using different shapes and colours.

Please be mind that your craft may not be the same with others as you can use whatever materials that you have at home.

so...steps that you need to do are....

  1. Decide a craft that you want to make.

  2. Starts to find for suitable materials (you may use household items/things around the house, reusable and recycle items are highly encouraged)

  3. Plan and list down the steps on how to create your own DIY craft. You may use different shapes and colours for each parts of your craft.

TIPS for parents:

Go around your house and look at everything you throw away that could be recycled, and I don’t just mean tossing it in the blue bin. Paper towel rolls, bottle caps, old magazines, cereal boxes, soda cans…the possibilities are endless. Sometimes it’s just a matter of trying to look at the item differently. Instead of seeing it as trash, look at it as a chance to be creative and think outside the box.

If you are working parents who don't have enough time to prepare the materials and guide your kids at home. Don't worry as your kids will have few days to complete this task until Friday. Stay tuned in this sites for more instructions day by day.

And if you’re stumped for ideas, don’t worry. You can just google it or watch the video in you tube or search in Pinterest..you can also click on the link below for your reference











Here are few examples of crafts ideas made by reusable items at home ...

So for today's task....

1.THINK for ideas,

2.PLAN on steps


3.SEARCH for materials

Please ask your kids to draft/scribble/print out the picture of the craft and jot down all the steps and materials that they are going to use in a piece of paper first as the plan might be changed.

Kindly submit your plan to your respective teachers through telegram link below. Please ask your questions in telegram group for any inquiries.

1 UKM- https://t.me/joinchat/dgs32hVVEBNmYjc1 (Teacher Syafiqah)

1 UPM - https://t.me/joinchat/JitKN88RVuwyZWE1 (Teacher Farieha)

1 USM - https://t.me/joinchat/TqlpbIrqm3FRFCRC (Teacher Farieha)

1 UTeM- https://t.me/joinchat/NOeLM73duNkwMjQ9 (Teacher Nadirah)

By the end of this project, they need to do the presentation on the steps and material used in making their craft. The presentation must relate to the shapes and colours of the materials used. Parents may take pictures of the steps in making this project from beginning until a craft is made.

A winner will be chosen for each class by your English teacher. (certificate for the winner will be provided too)


A champion will be selected from 4 classes of UKM< UPM<USM & UTEM by our respected Year 1 English teachers( Miss Nadirah, Ms.Farieha,Mdm Syafiqah)

The prize will be posted to your home during the school holiday..

STAY TUNED for next instructions tomorrow.