20.05.2021 (Thursday)

Good morning everyone!

Date : 20th May 2021

Time : 11.00 a.m. –12.00 a.m

Topic : Unit 1- At School


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. rearrange the letters to form correct words

2. spell the word based on the pictures correctly

Let's recap the lesson that we have learnt on Monday..Make sure you remember the spelling correctly!!

Now, let's do the exercise on page 7

rearrange the letters and form a correct spelling of the word based on the pictures given .

eg: i r c h a


Then find the word in the puzzle below and colour them nicely.

Next....Let's improve your reading skill by spelling the word correctly based on the pictures.





Check out the exercise on page 8 in your ModPek

once DONE..

Cut and paste the exercise in your English 1 exercise book.


DON'T FORGET to screenshot your completed task and post them in telegram group to your respective teacher

1 UKM- https://t.me/joinchat/dgs32hVVEBNmYjc1 (Teacher Syafiqah)

1 UPM - https://t.me/joinchat/JitKN88RVuwyZWE1 (Teacher Farieha)

1 USM - https://t.me/joinchat/TqlpbIrqm3FRFCRC (Teacher Farieha)

1 UTeM- https://t.me/joinchat/NOeLM73duNkwMjQ9 (Teacher Nadirah)

I hope you have mastered the topic well and could apply them in your daily life.

Happy learning my dear kids...

can't wait to see you back in our real classroom.