

Good morning everyone!

Date : 18th May 2021

Time : 08.00 a.m. –09.00 a.m

Topic : Unit 1- At School


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Recognize and differentiate between primary colours and secondary colours

2. Understand the main idea of very simple phrases and sentences

Click on the video to listen to the correct pronunciation of the colours.

First, we are going to look at primary colours.

Next, secondary colours.

red + blue = purple

blue + yellow = green

red + yellow = orange

ModPek 3/2021 pg 3-4.pdf
  1. Do the exercise on page 3 and 4 in your ModPek.

  2. Cut and paste the exercise in your English 2 exercise book.

  3. Please submit your completed task to your respective teachers through telegram group . Please ask your questions in telegram group for any inquiries.

1 UKM- https://t.me/joinchat/dgs32hVVEBNmYjc1 (Teacher Syafiqah)

1 UPM - https://t.me/joinchat/JitKN88RVuwyZWE1 (Teacher Farieha)

1 USM - https://t.me/joinchat/TqlpbIrqm3FRFCRC (Teacher Farieha)

1 UTeM- https://t.me/joinchat/NOeLM73duNkwMjQ9 (Teacher Nadirah)

Thank you for your cooperation and efforts.

Happy learning.

you may download the softcopy of Year 1 English ModPek 3 here

ModPek 3 year 1.pdf