Please fill in your attendance for today's English class and check your attendance before 5pm

Date: 13th of July 2021

Day: Tuesday

Time: 8.00 a.m - 10.00 a.m

Unit : 3 - Pet Show

Topic: Feeling expression (like /don't like)

Skill : Listening and speaking


At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

1. listen and point to the correct picture based on the audio

2. circle the correct respond (like/don't like) based on the audio.

3. Express their feeling by using I like and I don't like correctly.

Good morning everyone

Let's begin our lesson today by referring to the activity on page 37 in Supermind textbook.

CD1 53.mp3
  1. Listen and point to the picture on page 37

CD1 54.mp3

2. Next, listen and circle what the spider says. State what the spider like and don't like.

CD1 55.mp3

3.Listen and say how to express your preference.

I like dogs.

I like dogs too.

I don't like dogs.

Tips for parents:

**Ask pupils to listen to audio accordingly (audio 1, audio 2, audio 3) and show the pictures or sentences while prompting them with questions.

**If your child cannot understand the text through listening to the audio, then you can show them the video below to enhance their understanding .

Now, let's watch this video to enhance your understanding of the audio that you 've listened above.

How's the lesson so far?

Did you manage to identify the feeling or expression of like and don't like based on the audio and pictures given??

if YES, then you are amazing

Now, let's do some exercises to test your understanding.

task for today!

Answer the live worksheet below .

Screenshot your marks and print out the completed worksheet to paste in your English exercise book 2.

Note: You may print out the completed worksheet or copy them inside your exercise book (E2).
Both are acceptable.
If you print it out, make sure to paste it into your E

If you don't have a printer at home, just write down the sentences by number.
For example:


1) I like/ don't like elephants

2) I like ducks


Now, I hope you have mastered on how to express your feeling using like and don't like.

Before we end our lesson...

Knowing each others feeling is a blessed. Sometimes, we are too busy with our works until we forgot to ask simple things that happened around us especially our children feelings and thoughts.

Let's play a GET TO KNOW YOU game with your children.

  1. Parents tell the children 5 things that you like about them ( you might share any good habit/ deeds/character that makes you feel good about your child). The good deeds must be specific.

for example:

______________(fill in your child's name), I would like to share 5 things I like about you.

1.I like when you say thank you mommy.

2.I like when you help me at the kitchen .

3.I like when you share your feeling to me .

4.I like when you help me to do the laundry.

5. I like when you hug me.

  1. Next, ask your children what are 5 things that they like about you.

example: what do you like about me ?

5 things I like about ________________(mommy, umi, mak, mama, abi, ayah, daddy,bapak,)are

1.I like when you_________

2.I like when you___________

3.I like when you___________

4.I like when you___________

5.I like when you___________

  1. Now ,you can use the same sentence structure to share about 5 things that you don't like and you will get to know 5 things that your child doesn't like . Don't take this game seriously and try to make it as fun as possible .The answers that you will get later from your child will surprise you and it might be important for you to understand them better. (This is suggestion only, not compulsory).

  2. Embrace the differences and appreciate all the good feelings of your child towards you. Give them a hug after you play this game with your child and say thank you to them for sharing their feeling. You may also give a simple present or cook their favourite food to appreciate their efforts in learning.

Dear parents,




Don't forget to share your works with your teacher through Telegram group.
Kindly contact your respective teacher if there are any inquiries.

Thank you for your cooperation and efforts.

Happy learning.
See you
again tomorrow.