Please fill in your attendance for today's English class and check your attendance before 5pm

Day: Tuesday

Date: 28 th June 2018

Time: 08.00 a.m - 10.00 a.m

Topic : 3 R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) Practices

Skills:Listening and language art

Theme: Civic lesson(Mutual respect)


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

1.understand the concept of 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)

2.colour the picture of recycle logo based on the numbers given.

Do you still remember what are the toys that we have learnt last week??

Le'ts recap the vocabularies about toys and colours with a simple song- The Car Color Song

Are having fun listening to the song just now??

I am sure that you have so many toys at home .

Do you still play and keep them in good condition?

What happened to your old, broken and damaged toys?

What did you do with the toys that you are not using anymore??

Did you throw them out or reuse, reduce or recycle?


3Rs refers to three terms often used when talking about waste:

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Reducing is cutting back on the amount of trash we make,

reusing is finding a new way to use trash so that we don't have to throw it out,

and recycling is using trash to remake new goods that can be sold again.

Is it too difficult for you to understand the terms??

let's watch a video about what is reduce, reuse and recyle.

YOUR TASK FOR TODAY: Colour the picture based on the numbers.

**you may print out the poster or draw them by yourself and paste it in your English 1 exercise book.


Next, this is a suggestion for your weekend project(not compulsory):

Recycle or reuse your old toys or any unused things and turn them into something else.

You can share your project once done during the weekend.

Here are few ideas that you can do during the weekend with your mum and dad. I am sure it will be a very fun and memorable activity for you and your family over the weekend.

Before we end our lesson today, let sing along Yes Yes Save the Earth

Please submit your completed task in your Telegram group. Kindly text your respected teacher for any inquiries.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson today.

Thank you for your efforts and dedication in learning

See you again tomorrow.