Please fill in your attendance for today's English class before 5 pm

Date: 23rd of June 2021

Day: Tuesday

Time: 10.30 a.m - 12.30 a.m

Unit : 2 -Let's Play

Language Focus : Article a/an
long, short, big, small, ugly, beautiful, old, new

Skill : Listening


At the end of the lesson;

1. pupils will be able to use adjectives to describe objects.

Today, let's start our class with a simple game.
Are you ready?

Have you ever heard of 'clapping game'?
Ask your parents or siblings to play with you.

Here's how to play:

Pupil : Clap twice and then say a toy (vocabulary from what we had learnt in previous class).

Mother : Clap twice and repeat the toy. Clap twice more and add another toy.

** Make sure you remember the sequences of the toys listed.

** There's no limit for the game participant. The more the merrier!

You may start whenever you are ready!

Are you having fun so far?

Now, let's learn adjectives to describe our toys.
Let's begin!

First, look at these pictures.
What can you see from the pictures?

old ? new? big? small? long? short? ugly? beautiful?
Which one is which?

You don't know the adjectives? Confuse?
Fret not!
Click on this video to learn them. Look and listen very carefully.

Now, listen to this audio carefully and identify, which one is number 1 until 8 according to the audio.
You may also
refer to your Superminds textbook page 25.


Note: a / an

When to use 'a' and when to use 'an' in front of the adjectives ?

Use "an" before a word that starts with a vowel sound.
If it does not start with a vowel sound, use "a."
For example:

A man

An elephant

But, look at this:

A house

An hour

The key word here is sound.
It is not a question of whether the word starts with a vowel.
It is a question of whether it starts with a vowel sound.

To test your understanding towards today's topic, please do the short quiz through the link provided below.

Lastly, please do these exercises.

Note: You may print out the worksheet or copy them inside your exercise book (E2).
Both are acceptable.
If you print it out, make sure to paste it inside your E2.

Exercise 1. Write the correct adjective in the blank space.

New Document(6).pdf

Exercise 2.
Activity 1: Listen to the audio provided to answer.
Activity 2: Write the phrase correctly


Don't forget to share your works with your teachers in Telegram group.

1 UKM- (Teacher Syafiqah)

1 UPM - (Teacher Farieha)

1 USM - (Teacher Farieha)

1 UTeM- (Teacher Nadirah)

Thank you for your cooperation and efforts.

Happy learning.
See you in next class.