Please fill in your attendance for today's English class and check your attendance before 5pm

Date: 22nd of June 2021

Day: Tuesday

Time: 8.00 a.m - 10.00 a.m

Unit : 2 -Let's Play

Topic: What's your favourite toys?

Skills :Reading, Writing, Language Art


At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to

1.enjoy listening and singing to "What's your favourite toys?" song and understand the meaning of the lyrics by identifying the characters in the song based on the details and clues.

3.answer questions based on the song or audio by choosing the answers and filling the gaps to complete the passage

4.draw a favourite toy as described in the passage

Thank you so much for sharing about your toys last week. We appreciated and enjoyed your efforts in chanting the passage in your own styles.

Now, let's listen and sing. You may refer to your Supermind textbook unit 2, page 24.

How's the song? is it too fast for you to sing along??or is it too hard for you to understand and say the words aloud??

Let's read the lyrics together and understand the meaning of the song and do some exercises in workbook page 24.

Task for today

Please answer exercise no 1 and 2 in your English 1 exercise book.


For exercise number 1, you are not compulsory to draw the picture of Emma and Mike. You may straight away write the answers and draw the picture of word in blanks. Refer to example below.

Exercise number 2, it is compulsory for pupil to draw the picture of his or her favourite toys by themselves.(Refer to the video on how to answer the questions.

Note: You may print out the worksheet or copy the exercise inside your exercise book (E1). Both are acceptable.

If you print it out, make sure to paste it inside your E1.

Don't forget to share your works with your teachers in Telegram group.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson for today.

Thank you for your cooperation and efforts.

Happy learning.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's lesson.